What we want!? (as a community)

Hey guys, I’m hoping that the community will come together for this. telling me what features or things they want to see within the game kingdom come deliverance.
I am wanting to create a community video of the top 5 things that you guys and myself want the most to see in the game- I want to present this to the warhorse team, in hope that they will confirm it or give it some thought for it being added in the game, or in a later act.

Thank you very much fro par-taking, I look to your reply and ideas… :stuck_out_tongue:

ps i know there are some threads already made with similar themes, but i didnt know if those people wanted their thoughts being shared in a video.

I’m sure WarHorse will deliver on excellent gameplay but one of the things I want to see is character development, when we meet Henry for the first time he’s been thrown into a war which is completely strange to him being the son of a peasant blacksmith, I want to see how our decisions and actions will effect Henry throughout the story. For example by the end of the game he could be a hardened warrior with plenty of experience if we put him in those situations.

I also want to see some sort of disease system because I’m quite fond of the realism aspect and I’ve got realism mods in Skyrim, like if you drink dirty water or raw meat, it should affect us in a negative way.


This forum is public (means anyone is able to read it) and in general people are sharing their opinions for the devs to take a look into that and considering the given ideas. On the Wall of Game (the one that’s in the main hallway showing the features for each alpha stage) there are some notes regarding the features some people want to have. I don’t know if I’m allowed to take any pictures of that wall.


I love the concept and I am excited with what Warhorse has achieved so far. Basically I hope for SOPHISTICATED IMMERSIVE experience with great STORY.


  • Improve disrupting hud or give us option to modify it.
  • Stick to realism but recreate different world. People had same problems and there were similar themes repeating through-out history which we can releate to even today. But the world was yet pretty different (kind of lost fantasy). It was organized differently and people had different views etc. Paint this world realsticly not only physically but also mentally. I want to understand and react in this different world and than see logical consequences of my actions.
  • But respect cultural differences. I can be hardly motivated to die in a war for a religion. I would revenge my killed father though.
  • exceptional story intended for adults… but let me be free with my character. I know it is contradicting each other. I demand good story but it would not be fun If I play a character I dont like and I could not even change it (at least to some extend).
  • dont make it too serious, make it funny when appropriate
  • be supportive towards modding community. It will pay off. I am mostli curious to see experiments with FPV lock for herbpicking, dialoges, cutscenes, HUD changes and hopefuly new areas/stories).
  • I am seing that you are on the same page with “SOPHISTICATED” as well. Thanks for making this game.

i really want to be able to run my own blacksmith business in the game (fits with the Henry character ) and be able to build a reputation to like a legendary black smith etc nobles would come far and wide to you to craft them europes finest sword and armour . you could hire black smith companions who you could train up and have them make and sell swords for you .

be a great addition to the in world immersion and economy

i put it in better detail here :slight_smile:


That does not make sense. Seems like you are the one not respecting cultural differences.
When it comes to good story in a game I will gladly play Christian fighting for his God. Or atheist killing for fun. I would even have noting against playing religion fanatic killing innocent in the name of any God.

You have to realise that you are not playing yourself but Henry from the Holy Roman empire.


(1.) The power of choice and consequence – within reason, and in line with the story. Visible consequences to ones actions that may or may not have a lasting impact on certain people, places etc. Even on Henry himself.
(2.) Intuitive customisation and crafting mechanic – more granular and intuitive than other RPG’s. Rather than simply crafting a broadsword schematic, forge a blade, hilt and pommel, and then assemble.
(3.) Strong and flexible character progression & skill tree development – I look forward to how this is implemented. It’s the core RPG mechanic and it needs to find the perfect balance.
(4.) Living economy system – No AC where we end up stockpiling coins to the point where we can throw them around as a distraction to other peasants. Money should be tough to come by, and prices / item value should be reflected accordingly…
(5.) Fame and notoriety system – I’ve always liked the ME Paragon / Renegade system. Both your fame and your infamy should follow you wherever you go, and have both reward & consequence depending on the people, places, situations you’re presented with. May affect dialogue options for example, or provide access to areas that may not have been accessible otherwise.

There’s a lot more I could mention, but I didn’t want to retread over too much old ground in terms of what we already know Warhorse are working towards. (Combat, Story, Quests etc.)

Hopefully that list makes sense :expressionless:


Thanks guys so far. FYI I’m not replying because im just wanting your guys opinion so i can get the overall top 5 of the community. o sorry if youre expecting me to comment on each of your replies

I hope there will be some eyes filter effect while Henry tired or drunk. :smiley: so funny

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I just want an immersive world. When you step in a puddle, you can see it splash/ripple, the sound effect of it splashing. Maybe you see your boot glistening with wetness, or if it’s a softer material, soaking into it.

I want to be able to talk to anyone in the world. This doesn’t necessarily mean they are in the mood for a conversation. I think NPCs should have personality and mood attributes. Personality would be a constant thing, but mood would fluctuate due to in-game circumstances. Someone who just had a pig stolen would be in a bad mood, and this would reflect in their conversing with you. Maybe a normally jolly fellow is disinterested in conversation, is terse, etc. If you find his stolen pig he’s now happy and has a solid opinion of you.

All NPCs should formulate ever changing opinions of you, whether neutral, positive, negative, etc., and this would impact their general attitude towards you, willingness to talk to you, help you, prices they sell you things, etc.

This is a rambling post. I’ll try to come back with more structured list of ideas. The main thing is I’d like to play through a story line WITHIN a world that feels ALIVE, and completely immersive.

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I also think immerson is one of the most important things. And I like Kingdom Come because of realism. I adore realistic games and this makes kingdom come to something special compared to other rpg-games.
I also think atmosphere and verisimilitude is important, a world that feels correct without logical errors and unrealistic plotholes.

Oh, and yes @Earl_Thorn is right, The power of choice and consequence is really improtant :smiley:


I was just trying to point out that story would have less emotional impact if it is mainly build around stuff which does not matter to us anymore. I do enjoy acting characters which are very different from me, but it should not be too hard to relate to them. Honestly who gives a damn if priests are giving communion in both wine and bread. Of course it must be in the game, but it should focus on more appealing aspects of the conflict to motive me through the story.

EDIT: I just found that Dan gets what I was talking about and I have no more ideas for this topic.

" Today, we might find the particulars of their concerns, such as the validity of one religious sacrament over another, to be obscure. But we can all get behind a people’s rebellion that throws off the overbearing yoke of central authority "
Source: http://www.polygon.com/features/2015/4/24/8445617/kingdom-come-deliverance-interview-preview

Only Kingdom Come Deliverance :blush:

there’s nothing the developer can do for you, then. that’s on you to play based on your personal motivations.

warhorse made it very clear they’re sticking with representing how the world was back then. will henry be a devoted christian, very likely. will he kill in the name of god? or evoke his name in doing certain deeds? again, considering the time frame and historical context, highly likely.

it’s not the dev’s job to introduce modern motivations in the game to cater to people who do not want to immerse themselves in another era or setting, or who have a problem with understanding the motivations of people from the past.

Ok, I think there is slight misunderstanding.

We can agree that comunion by bread and wine is not really good motivation for nowadays players to play a game.
What I was talking about is religiion as whole. To get into a skin of fanatic that thinks that every pagan has to die could be fun.

So we can say I agree with you.

But one thing we have to have in mind. Deliverance will be probably all about saving the king, so I do not think that we will be part of some big religious plot.
That is until we get mixed into things of beginning of Hussite wars.

What I think, is that religion in this game will be just part of immersion thing but of course could play some significant part later.

One more thing to consider: Common people who were forced to fight for their lords might have not even know what they are fighting for. And so our hero could be involved in a battle for some petty religious detail without even knowing it.

Thats all, I bid you good day.

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Since I’ve been at the Battle of the Nations I noticed that there’re weaknesses during armored combat that current videos and presentations of the combat videos didn’t show so far: using your feet, legs or weapon to hit against the opponent’s knee pit to bring the opponent down to the ground. I would guess that people were aware of that weakness and would use it to get an advantage or as a surprise attack.

So this is a specific example and therefore I was wondering if the fighting system does not only include the (un-)equipped hands as weapons but also the legs as well. As far as I know kicking is implemented but in a way of getting distance to the opponent.

I know it’s been said 50 times, but realistic gore. Have any of you seen someone get decapitated in real life? (I have, courtesy of ISIS) Their is a LOT of blood. Some people have the idea that “realistic” in this regard means barely any at all. And don’t jump on me saying “a cut to the arm doesn’t equal a blood fountain”. I’m well aware. Believe it or not, a decapitation does:P

As for motivations, it may be bewildering to imagine, but not everyone in history was an insane zealot, so no, it isn’t “very likely” that he’d want to go to war for his god.

Other than that, I just want a plethora of everything. From weapons, to clothes, and armor, to horse breeds, and everything else.

Only 5 ideas? Thats not much.
We had a lot of ideas at the German forum, but my English isn’t good enough. I’m to lazy to translate all of it and have to use a dictionary often. Sorry.

last i checked, it’s a battle with people moving around trying to hit you and avoid getting hit, there’s armor and padding, and you hacked and smashed at your enemy just to stop them from being a threat.

it’s really not the same situation as isis where defenseless, motionless people are sitting there waiting to have some degenerate slowly and deliberately saw at their naked neck.

really doubt the two situations would produce the same type of damage and bleeding. for one, isis pulls the head back and bleeds out. it’s also more of a steam than a fountain to be honest.

1 A nice, one handed axe and a shield thats slightly bigger than a buckler

2 I feel that it would be very immersive to have a marketing system similar to metro 2033 when instead of having a list and value, you actually see what you are buying. And I know that there are a lot of items so my idea would be to have the list on one side of screen then have table or stand or whatever on the other side of screen. And say the owner owns a lot of stuff I guess make it to where the item would spawn once you select it? Idk but I like the idea.

3 A realistic weather environment. I want to see rivers flood, wagons get stuck in mud, dust if its dry, and actually see a storm front coming (instead of it just randomly raining).

4 Im sure people wouldnt like this but dont have a weapon condition bar or points, but instead have it like far cry 2 where your weapon just gets dirtier and worn. Also maybe have it to where blood stays on your weapon until you clean it off (or have henry do it automatically)

5 the list could go on, but for now Im happy that someone is finally making a realistic medevial game.