What would you like to see in act 2 and 3?

Just to understand you correctly:
For example, Act II is set in or near Vienna and Act III is set in Paris.
Now you want to travel all the way from Vienna to Paris? Actually riding there?

Sure, why not. Let them build a map around this road so we can experience a nice boring ride. Maybe they can even place some cities along the way. It’s only a distance of about 1200 kilometers in this case. :smiley:

Not really. They can scale down the whole map of Europe if they want to.It will still be realistic in my opinion. 1:50 that would make 24km from Prague to Paris…i know it sounds crazy but that is what i wish for :slight_smile:

24km? So, Paris is in Bohemia and just the neighboring city of Prague? That would be ridiculous. :slight_smile:
You could hit Notre-Dame Cathedral from Prague just by spitting roughly in it’s direction. :stuck_out_tongue:

Not really. The 24 km in a game would be crazy long distance to walk. I don’t see that as ridiculous.
This is from Red Dead Redemption:
How long it will take to travel from one side to other?

all by horseback…

Walking: 2.5 hours

Trotting: 1 hour

Gallop: 15 minutes

Assumes map size is 72 square km in area (therefore 12km from top left corner to bottom right corner), horse speeds of 5km/hr for walk, 12 km/hr for trot and 30km/h for gallop. Not sure if your horse will be able to flatout gallop for 15 min but that would be the time in theory.

To put 72 square km in perspective, the island of Manhattan is about 59 square km. Not a bad map size when you’re travelling by horse!

2.5 hours of walk
25km would take you 5 hours on horse when walking and 30 minutes on the horse using gallop.
I don’t see that as short time or distance. But that is just me

Just use the euro tuck simulator :wink:

Hi there,

sorry for my bad english :wink:

In the late game there should be the chance to owne your owne castle. Like in Mount & Blade with several mini quests, like recruit guards, buy them better weapons, help citysens with their troubble and so on. It would be nice if you could build some peaces of the castle up.

I think that would work best as some sort of minigame. Mainly because not everyone is going to want to work with that kind of realistic hunting setup, especially if they need some item or something from the animal for crafting or something like that.

Ich würde mich jetzt nicht als “Maß aller Dinge” in Sachen RPG bezeichnen, finde schon das Wort Rollenspiel als Erniedrigung ;), zumal in einer freien Welt, aber o.k… Wir reden hier über ein Spiel, was mit Act 2 und 3 voraussichtlich 2016/2017 auf den Markt kommt. Vermutlich wird spätestens ab der Alpha von Act 1 die Spieleindustrie-NSA hochgradig aktiv werden und ihre Pipeline mit Anregungen füllen. (Sofern ein wirklicher Innovationsschub entsteht) Spätens mit Act 2 wird also massiv Konkurrenz herrschen. Wie ein Spiel dann aussehen muß, wird einfach der Wettbewerb im Hinblick auf potentielle Abverkäufe zeigen. Wenn die Story dann nicht einen gesamteuropäischen Geschmack trifft, wird es ein anderes Spiel tun. So einfach ist das. Vermutlich könnte es sinnvoll sein, dies schon beim 1. Act in Betracht zu ziehen.
Aus Sicht des Spielers bin ich auch mit meiner Rolle als Sohn eines Schmiedes oder einer Müllerstochter bezüglich der sich daraus real ergebenden Entwicklungschancen sehr skeptisch. Wäre es ein Märchen, hätte selbst ein Frosch die Chance zum Prinz, wenn ihn die Müllerstochter küsst. Im realen Mittelalter gab es das jedoch nicht, da waren Niedriggeborene Kanonenfutter und Mittel zum Zweck. Möchte ich das 3 Acte lang spielen…? In einem Spiel möchte ich doch nicht (noch) weniger Hoffnung und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten haben, als im realen Leben, oder?
Wie denkt ihr darüber?

I would not call myself a " measure of all things " in terms of RPG, just find the word RPG as humiliation :wink: , especially in a free world , but ok. We are talking about a game , what with Act 2 and 3 Expected 2016/2017 comes on the market . Presumably, the latest from the alpha of Act 1 the games industry -NSA are highly active and fill their pipeline with suggestions. ( If a real boost to innovation arises ) Spätens with Act 2 will therefore prevail massive competition. As a game must look like , just to be seen with regard to potential clearance sales competition . If the story is not true then a pan-European flavor , it will do another game. It’s that simple Presumably it might be appropriate to do this at first been Act to take into consideration.
From the player 's perspective, I am very skeptical with my role as the son of a blacksmith or a miller’s daughter regarding the resultant real resultant development opportunities. If it were a fairy tale , even a frog had the chance to Prince, when the miller’s daughter kisses him . In the Middle Ages there was the real but not as low -born were cannon fodder and means to an end . Do I want to play the 3 Acte long … ? In a game I want but not (yet) have less hope and development opportunities , as in real life , right?
What do you think?

sorry for my bad english

Better hunting than what’s planned in act 1. I’ve heard them say they don’t want to compete with hunting simulators for the first act so I’m assuming it’ll be relatively simple hunting. All I’d like to see is a small upgrade from whatever they produce in act 1. Maybe adding heart/lung shots that insta-kill, or even a little tracking involved. like I said, I’m not sure what they’ve got planned for act 1, I’d just like act 2 to build upon whatever system they put into place.

So you want them to compete with hunting simulators? :smiley:

I remember reading something about act 2 taking place in Vienna. I would really love to see the beautiful landscape and Architecture of Austria.

I would want to see how the Black Death changed the political landscape, Ottoman invasions, Zmajev red (Societas Draconistrarum, founded on 1408), Vlad III or Tepes…

Not at all, just something in between what we’ve had in other games and actual hunting simulators. The problem is that archery is represented poorly in most common first person games(like shooting an elk in the ass or foot and putting it down) but on the other end of the spectrum hunting games are so incredibly boring and dull. So something in between would be nice. Perhaps a small area on each animal where the heart or lungs are at, when shot, puts the animal down in a few seconds. If the player doesn’t hit that sweet spot and say hits the rear then the damage done is halved. Also no shooting it in the foot and it dies, that doesn’t happen. I assume something like realism would be approached since Warhorse is taking all their time to make such an immersive game.

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I live in AUSTRIA hahah :smiley:

so all the devs talking about realistic scale just goes through one ear and out the other eh? :wink:

And what makes you think that’s not exactly what they are trying to achieve?

Maybe mentioned before but I would like to see snow. Harsh winter enviroment.

Oh, and Kuttenberg.

since time and location seem to be separated from Act1 story, a season change for Act2 might be a nice idea. It would underline that some time progress happened. On the other hand, if you want to reuse Act1 area you might also have to make a season change for it for consistency.

The first act isn’t even out yet so dont you think it’s bit too early this?