What would you like to see in act 2 and 3?

different locations added to act 1 map will do it for me. It may grow 2-3 times from original act 1 map i guess…hope :slight_smile:

There was said that they will add new map for each act, and you will travel to it becouse they didnt wanted to have for ex. two castles too close next to each other, villages etc.

Hmmm…so it will be like load up when you pass some point or fast travel thing? I would rather see fully connected map.


Personally I’m really looking forward to the larger battles. So I’m hoping that they will add several more of those to Acts 2 & 3. Also what I think would be pretty cool would be to add a sort of minigame where you take part in midsize battles as part of feuds between lords or something like that. Just an idea


Not all of the weapons will probably be in the act 1, they will be added later in acts 2 and 3.

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Whatever Warhorse want to show me!

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But maybe transfer in time when you travel to those maps would be interesting, i mean that when you come back to 1. act some changes may occur, like bandits in woods or, bigger/smaller village etc. .)


team up, ability to start own villages, go robin hood style in the woods (make village in the tree and spend all the time robbing people with a group (so multiplayer added also if possible)


They’ve said the maps for the different Acts can’t be fully connected because the locations are too far apart. I’m guessing one of them might be set in Vienna, which (according to Snowblade’s post here) is where Wenceslaus was imprisoned and eventually freed.

Not really knowing what act one will be like it is hard to know.

I’m really hoping for a real hunting experience though. Not like RDR where you stroll 2 feet from a town and find a deer to kill. But more like
Rare wild animal encounters
Tracking hoof prints
Look for tramped foliage or broken branches
Have to remain as quiet as possible
Animals attracted to water and food ( baiting)
Maybe even a skinning and butchering minigame


Would be cool if at the end of act 2 or beginning of act 3, the PC were to achieve some significant degree of merit for their deeds. For instance, a soldier character were to get knighted; a bard character was elevated to a noble; an assassin/thief character became sought after for their skills.

This would also work fine at the end of chapter 3, considering that the world will still be open for free play after the main quest line is complete. Don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I just think it would be kind of cool to see the main quest line move in a direction that represents somewhat the merit the PC has built.


We should get a quest to rescue a virginal dragon from a ravenous elven princess.

In all seriousness… Falconry.


I would like to see land traveling between Act II and Act III maps and the older Act I maps. Also, it will be great if Act II and III add additional quests and storylines for Act I locations and the need to travel back to Act I map in order to progress on some Act II or III quest line.
This will bring back the life in then finished Act I and also will make the in-game world seem a lot larger. NO Fast travel though - I hope all the traveling should be made by personally moving across the map instead of teleporting.
Just me being annoyed by all those silly standard RPGs out there, where a finished location is a dead location where nothing really happens anymore and the only usage of it is when the player teleports there to sell his stuff to his favorite market.
I hope Deliverance will be something special.


The distance would be way too great though for them to possibly fill out with anything interesting on the way, if at all create. So we’ll likely have fast travel between the maps of the acts.

It has been confirmed quite a while ago that this will be the case.
Act II and III will add new features (quests mainly) to the old map(s), possibly related to things from act II and III but also unrelated.

My only expectation is that the STORY must be AWESOME!:wink:

Falconry, see this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falconry

I as well would like to see more large scale battles or skirmishes. Something I would like to would be to hire mercenaries or get troops from my liege and then raid the enemy. Maybe ACT 2 will tone down the large scale battles and focus more on ambushes and skirmishes. And then ACT 3 comes along with the biggest battle ever…

Like to see act 1 first…

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