What's been done to master strikes?

I used to be able to execute master strikes sometime, now it’s almost impossible, meanwhile my foemen still uses it on a whim every 5 seconds without breaking a sweat. It’s quite obvious to me that master strikes are broken when it’s not even possible to execute a mace master strike in the lesson wherein it’s supposed to be learnt - somehow it’s impossible to use a master strike with mace now no matter when I clicked Q… in Bernard’s lesson where he ATTACKED SLOWLY, I could only perfect block or block (if I clicked Q early on, how bloody bizarre), I couldn’t even complete the ploughing lesson for Christ’s sake, so don’t you dare give me any of the “git gud” bollocks.

It’s definitely a bug. You can easily execute it with a longsword but not the other weapons.

I can’t even do it with longsword, though I am not sure if it’s not caused by the “Immersive Balance” I am using…

Remove all mods, it’ll screw up the game even more

Yeah, it seems to be a bug with the new patch. Only swords can master strike.

As for Immersive balance, the mod reduces a lot the time window in which you can execute a master strike (and also a perfect block) so it can be that with this new introduced bug if you reduce the window enough you will not be able to execute master strikes even with a sword.

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