When to split from the main storyline to free roam?

No problem.

In Hardcore you are forced to pick minimum two negative traits. They would stay with you for the whole game. Actually, you can pick all, finish the game and get certain achievement, but it is too much of extreme. As I’ve said earlier, two of the least bad traits are numbskull and tapeworm.

Ok, now to gameplay. There is no fast travel. Random events happen on the road from time to time, but seem to be more rare. Personal feeling, actual statistics research is needed to be sure. Ambushes… Well, they seem to be of same rate. As you can guess, horse in such mode is more important.

Prices are tweaked - you sell for less and buy for more. In the end it is still easy to make money, but more ways to waste them on something. Hunting was nerfed - you can’t become a magnate just out of poaching, as meat is cheap.

HUD is reduced - no indicators for your health or stamina, so you have to judge about it by counting strikes or watching screen going red and blurry. Watch your opponent - no indicators for blocks, master strikes and own attack direction. As you play on the console, the last part should be easier for you. And, yep, you get more damage in fight, and your enemies are more tough - once I got beaten by three runaway peasants, one of which had a combat scythe, just because they have surrounded me. Shamefur dispray.

And, yep, there is no marker on the map, so you have to look for points and check the map as IRL. Still, knowledge comes pretty fast, and getting direction is not so hard too.

On the bright side - gameplay feels even more immersive and rewarding.

But didn’t the fact you played for life just make the experience that much more enjoyable to survive? :hugs::+1:

The sleepwalking negative trait was a plus for me. I loved the chance to wake up in the oddest places and figure out where I was :rofl:

It did, but it was just due to my error. I saved and went to clear those bandits and died quickly. So I was not ready with my level. Since then, there were few ambushes on horse that I could prevent, I simply ran into them and did not save for a long time. I replayed so much for dying to these. Beginning was very fun for me cause I constantly found these armored guys who just kick my ass hard. But then I acquired their armor and weapons and I could not stop.
There is this corner of being good, which I jump over with good equipment and high skill that I can easily wipe full 50 man camp on my own. Of course by picking my fights carefully. (I cleared one bigger camp 3 times before going there with reinforcements and that was moment when I got overpowered) I never got to max level with weapons. KCD needs slight balance to this in next game, especially interesting due to story development.

To free roam, is best to stick near the villages and towns, main quests will move you around the world, so you will have variety but you can also enter visit those places before something even happens there, so it is interesting to see the difference, like (not spoiler) Skalitz before and after burning, not saying there are other events such as that, but some people might be missing or something added. Otherwise it may seem bland and without affection towards what is happening in the area.

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