@rataj, you will have access to the alpha and beta the same as anyone else who pledged Baron or higher. You will not get to play anything else prior to the game’s full release.
Please stop asking - no, DEMANDING Warhorse make a completely different version available to play, as you clearly have a different understanding than the rest of us, especially Warhorse, about what you think it is. It was NEVER going to be playable as part of any of this.
At the time of the livestream, what Dan showed WAS the most stable thing. That doesn’t mean it’s something random pledgers ought to be running around in, and it was NEVER something we were going to be playing ourselves. The alpha will be something else, then the beta will be something else besides that. Stability is, more or less, irrelevant beyond “Okay, does this at least work without crashing?” The alpha will likely have some bugs. The beta ought to have fewer bugs.
You simply have to be patient and you will receive what has been promised in due time. You aren’t entitled to anything else and acting like not getting to play this “publisher’s version” because it may hold trade secrets or the alpha/beta will be “downgraded” is ridiculous. Who the hell cares? The final version is the most important thing anyway.