When will the Alpha and Beta come out?

You need to understand that what you saw was just rushed “demo” for “investors”, so they could show something. In reality, they probably refactor many things, maybe some from the scratch. So there will be bugs and a lot of things which will need to test.

Alpha isn’t about exploring the whole map, alpha is just a fragment of a game.

Okay, i hope they give us the publishers version after Beta Stage or Final Act 1 game.
But Yes i’m not a level designer but i love the job.
And for me it is necessary that the whole map hasn’t any holes or splitted hills.
Grass over the edges of terrain. Flying Trees or rocks. Like in all other games.
Anyway, i love to see the map which was created by one person.

If anyone played the Destiny alpha on PS4 recently, I think they’ll have unrealistic expectations for the KCD alpha. From what I understand of them, Bungie let players do a lot more in their alpha than most, and to the average person it looked and played well enough to be part of a finished game - yet they’ve still got the beta to do in July ahead of the September release.

Warhorse has mentioned their alpha will be very basic. Probably no missions, just dropping you in one place to check things out and not a whole lot else. The beta will no doubt have more to do since it will be much closer to release.

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Will the beta be available on Linux systems?

microsoft released beta under “alpha” title. companies do that for marketing. it’s annoying and gives wrong impression of what alpha is.

Official response

This original alpha date still actual?, because it would be begin of August, only 35 days from now… Above is something about October, but in KS update i didnt seen any change.

I don’t know about any exact original date. AFAIK they’ve only said that alpha will be released about 6 months after the kickstarter. If they are now talking about september/october, I think it pretty much fits to the original statement.

Good Question is,
Why pledgers can’t play the publishers version (we spend our money for that project, which wouldn’t exist without us, in some opinions)
And publishers who won’t invest into KCD have played it.
one member told us about the detsiny access.
And most people will find it unfair that people like me want to see more than this village. I’m sorry but after that, i’m out of here.
If you like the idea of a alpha version with basic mechanics, fine.
But please stop this "Tell us what an alpha access is"
As i said, FOR ME… is a very primary thing, the level design.
You don’t need to believe me but i understand many things about creating a game.
It is a simple thing:
A Release of the publishers version seperatly to the alpha version.
Or to the beta version… Builds are a historical book of a game.
But i think i’m a freak or not many people can’t understand a fascination of a person to games :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is no point whatsoever in making a “publisher’s version” available for people to do anything with. Anything publishers saw was much earlier in the life of the game and chances are it was just a basic demo. As it is, alpha is most likely 2-3 months away at this point, so it’s not much longer until people can mess around in that.

You need to realize that most of that stuff was rushed just to get something to show. It wasn’t never meant as a part of the future final product. They are doing most of the stuff again from the scratch. It was said in some interview with Dan.

“Publisher version” isn’t something you want to play.

okay, than not… hope mission is complete
And good that you know that i don’t want to play plublishers versions.

I’m private developer but if someone of Warhorse team member reads this,
please give me the publishers version.
And i think most of you understand the differences between final and alpha/beta versions. In this case, the publischer vesrion.
Fascination with the development is the desired word.

The best question what will make all cry again when the time comes is,
will the alpha as stable as the publisher version?

Since no one will ever play the publisher version, I’m really wondering how you are going to compare it…

I honestly don’t know why you’re so infatuated with what Warhorse created to show publishers, @rataj

In fact there isn’t anything like a hand-out publisher version. Everybody saw the same, Dan playing some very small parts of the game. But no publisher or anybody got anything to play by themselves. As I read out your messages, you want to play, test and mess around in early stages of the game. This will be partially possible in the upcoming alpha. It will be filled step by step with new possible interactions, so you can get to know mechanics, level design and gameplay. Altogether you need to be patient and wait for the alpha while it will be the only playable version at this stage of development.

As i said, for the fascination of game development,
the hand-out publisher version is a other stage of progress.
But for people who do not deal properly with betas and alpha versions,
this is probably incomprehensible.
I don’t know why you say things like,
"alpha will be the only playable version at this stage of development."
Vávra says in Live Stream video that the publishers version is already there
and is the most stable version at this point.
And now, people want to force me to test a more downgraded version?!
Does it contain company secrets so it would be a crime to publish it?!
And doesn’t say like Warner Brothers it would be bad advertising.
How can you talk about a test when you haven’t seen all versions.

You are acting like a crazy person. What’s wrong with you?

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What should the assertion again?!
Yes ok i understand, now I’m surely the evil troll.
Foregt it, it seems that i am an idiot,
and haven’t any idea about development but everyone else.
But hope money helps for that project.
I wanted to see the City of Rataje but it isn’t allowed for backers.
And it was my only wish (or better, my dream) for the early access but not in Q3 2015.

T. Rataj

@rataj, you will have access to the alpha and beta the same as anyone else who pledged Baron or higher. You will not get to play anything else prior to the game’s full release.

Please stop asking - no, DEMANDING Warhorse make a completely different version available to play, as you clearly have a different understanding than the rest of us, especially Warhorse, about what you think it is. It was NEVER going to be playable as part of any of this.

At the time of the livestream, what Dan showed WAS the most stable thing. That doesn’t mean it’s something random pledgers ought to be running around in, and it was NEVER something we were going to be playing ourselves. The alpha will be something else, then the beta will be something else besides that. Stability is, more or less, irrelevant beyond “Okay, does this at least work without crashing?” The alpha will likely have some bugs. The beta ought to have fewer bugs.

You simply have to be patient and you will receive what has been promised in due time. You aren’t entitled to anything else and acting like not getting to play this “publisher’s version” because it may hold trade secrets or the alpha/beta will be “downgraded” is ridiculous. Who the hell cares? The final version is the most important thing anyway.

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