When will the newest patch be released for XBox?

When will the next patch be available for xbox?


I know right I’m waiting…waiting patiently right along with my seventh attempt at playing my game.

Based on the amount of bugs being reported, and crashes, you might not want to be too eager to get 1.4.
But don’t worry! The PC players will happily play meat shield for consoles, and stomp on the landmines before you get to them.

And now we’ll have to wait another few weeks for another game breaking patch

Really wish I could refund this sloppy mess of a game

But I am without travel encounters … I haven’t had any :expressionless:

That’s unfortunate, but I would say less of a problem than the main questline being broken, or a broken dialog cutscene freezing the game entirely. :man_shrugging:

once they do get these Kinks worked out this game is going to be awesome.

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Hey man me too I have not had a traveling counter except when I first bought the game open it up and I had one traveling counter and then another one with Bandits which obviously early on in the game the only thing to do is run and then after that I never had any more and that’s been like 5 weeks ago I hope they get this fixed so far so good though on my seventh playthrough no bad stuttering or anything

Little differences to like one of them is ginger when you approach him at his Hideout he starts talking to you before you reach him and starts pleading his case about how he’s didn’t do anything and there’s been several times that’s happened one even in the pie incident either way like that’s little things that weren’t there before that are showing up now and honestly if this game functions like this and those little things like that really do make an impression on the storyline and really give the character’s life I got to say the past few times I’ve been playing this game feels like a husk of a game it felt empty the NPC’s would just only engage if you talk to them and they just they seemed really dead

I wish i got this on pc instead of console :frowning: i refuse to buy the game again just to get more frequent updates though…

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Yeah I’m about to beat your f****** storm I just hit f****** stutter Central and this is after not dropping anything on a completely read downloaded game on a brand new game no old saves brand new saves from 1.3 I’m literally going to cuss the whole time

I read somewhere that if you buy the game on Xbox that you get it a free copy on Windows

At least you can skip the main quest and do something else. Xbox can’t even play our game that far in because of the slideshow stutter. It is totally broken at that point. Your horse goes about as fast as a snail and fighting is a death sentence. If you don’t throw up first.

Im on ps4 :frowning: