Surely the mod for mortal children in Skyrim wasn’t banned or even complained about anywhere?
Jack Thompson has faded into obscurity, despite the fact that he and his ludicrous belief that videogames were “murder simulators” and “mental masturbators” or that GTA IV was “the worst thing to happen to American children since polo” actually put games at threat at one point. Anita is doing the exact same thing, most people have realised that all she gives a shit about is money.
I’ve yet to even see the slightest whine about the whole “you get bonuses for having/paying for sex!” which would have likely gotten KCD a heap of bad press if it was released a decade ago.
During the (more or less) golden age of the Western world (1980-2008, especially 1992 onwards as the collapse of the Soviet Union (sort of) got rid of the mass hysteria around invasion and nuclear attack) problems were effectively invented as most problems in the Western world had been eliminated (poverty, disease epidemics, financial collapse, etc), one of those problems was videogames and how they were “linked to violence”, this has become increasingly obscure post financial collapse and the fact that even extremely wealthy nations like the US have cities that are almost a third world environment (Flint; for example), there’s a mass shooting every other week in the US or a terrorist attack in Europe and the UK is trying to self-destruct itself just so it remains relevant, therefore the imaginary issues like videogames and violence, GMOs and growing a toe on your forehead and other “problems” have been heavily been pushed to the fringes.
South Park TSOT (console editions) having deleted scenes in some places whereas TFBW released universally.
The reason KCD got such an “adult” rating has likely got to do with the sex in the game, which IIRC one citizens involving you, a preist and two girls is part of the main questline and therefore it’s hard to argue that such scenes are “entirely optional” to a ratings committee.
Adding kids in a DLC may be the best way to do things since the developers could likely have a “kids off” option of a nanny state does try to go against it. I’ve never heard of a DLC being banned before however; it doesn’t make it impossible, just less probable.
As for the DLC it could be a “more quests more realism” DLC with actual str requirements for armour (possibly even introducing the need for training to use certain types of armour correctly, kind of like power armour in FO3, though you could wear the armour in KCD, you would just be noisier, slower, climber and more prone to damaging your armour) as well as things like metal gauntlets giving a huge boost to unarmed combat and hard plate potentially harming someone who decides it would be wise to punch it bare handed.