Where did all of the children go?

You ignored me the first time. You have repeatedly posted a wall of text on this topic. Others have replied to you. You don’t appear satisfied. After a delay, another wall of text.

This is an RPG set in a time of medieval war. There are a good number of bugs and design flaws related more directly to the plot line. But, your interest is about a marginal aspect of other RPG games. Just trying to understand the motive

I just can’t help but see humor in the concern over childrens’ absence.

Where are all the lepers? Funerals? Trials? When’s harvest? Where’s the shire reeve? Where are the gong farmers? Where are the shrews? How about the falcons? Ants? Good god, Skyrim has ants! Mr. President, he have an Ant Gap! And where are the rag men and the multures and the ale conner and the chandlers? Where are the eels and the finches and the larks? Thousands upon thousands of things.

Yes, children were actually commonly seen in real life. Henry also never takes a dump, that I’ve seen. No mimigame for arsewiping either. So OK, no children and it seems an omission. I think we’re aware of it by now- actually most were aware before the game came out. So other games have kids. Noted. And before you tell me kids are a big deal for realism, nobody seems to age in this game.

Lepers went to a leper colony.

Fairly sure there’s a quest where you attend a funeral.

Check fish traps, if there are no eels they are dead due to overfishing

Finches and larks are in an aviary just beyond the edge of the map. There’s a quest where you have to capture escaped birds anyway, forget what type they are.

There are Jews and jew gates at castles so they’ve stuck with realism there.

As for the nobody aging, how many in-game years have you played?

As for children being unimportant, they would make the game world more interesting, I’ve already converted the point that they shouldn’t be anywhere near the top of the list but a DLC with more realism (children included, but hardly the highlight of the DLC) and more quests, maybe even more in-game area with a larger settlement south of Rattay.

It’s the fact that you look at the game, check the codex and see that the devs have covered beekeeping to special gates for the Jews, but omitted children, when you see that there isn’t even a codex entry about them them and the quest where you have to get the priest back to the settlement east of skalitz talks about the priest having a child then going off to live as a hermit when the mother died in childbirth and you even talk to the family who took the child in, yet the youngest person there is about 16, meaning a church sat empty for sixteen years? It gets quite apparent that it’s actually quite an omission.

People have two hands and two eyes and legs in the game too. I guess the devs stuck to realism there, but since I can’t wear ten rings on my hands, they are rather oafish, correct? And the bum-wiping and ants? What about that Mr. I-have-an-answer-for-everything-except-that-which-I’ll-ignore?

And as for game time played, how many in-game years have you played? if you want to challenge me, have the balls to just do it please, instead of prancing around the idea.

All you’ve done is take offense to me saying it strikes me as funny that the subject of children makes such hand-wringing, and to do it you’ve stated not only what others have said time and time again, you’ve done it in such a way that suggests you want to make me stand proxy for the decisions of the development team. Which is something I also find humorous. I wonder if you realize how much you’re proving my point.

It wasn’t rated by any agencies. It wasn’t sold either.

Your logic is pretty terrible… Children are not comparable to the amount of rings you can fit on your hand.
You do realise your attitude does nothing good for games? It’s been released for a month, there will be plenty of changes and fixes… But if people like you had their way, the game would remain at patch 1.0 because everything is “perfect”.

Just funny where the human today stands, they care about child or can kill child’s in video games? But they nothing do about the thousands of child’s who daily hungry and die of that, who get beheading in middle eastern or Syria, we don’t have 2018,age and numbers a creation of humans just for not get confused, so actually I can kill a adult or child, I don’t see a different of that, especially in video games, the world is since few hundreds of years in developing back, just sad they take it so worse and see it bad child’s where can get killed in games, but in real life the most governments don’t care about child’s die and get abused in real life,

Well, if the devs do decide to add children though, who’d complain? Children not being there to most is “Meh.”, children being in the game is still “Meh”, no one will be jumping for joy about it but rather wonder why it wasn’t there in the first place, so it’s a good thing. Not really critical, but not a bad suggestion either once they have the resources to spare committing to it.

I’m surprised they didn’t just go the immortal route. They could even have some fun with it - in addition to immortality, if you have a child targeted and attack, Henry just flat out doesn’t and says: “Jesus Christ, I’m not a Monster!”

Besides, modders would eventually “fix” it for those who really need to kill children in their games.

As for Skalitz and whatnot, you can show children running - just not getting killed. Just having them run while adults fought would have been fine.

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Damn man. I agree with you on that one.

There are other more notable and relevant omissions from this game (eg mounted Cuman and functioning wagons on a map replete with wagon trails).

Kid NPCs exist in Bethesda’s latest moddable games, Skyrim and Fallout 4. In FO4, they are central to a number of quests. But, they are more curiosities than anything else. The one notable kid NPC on the Prydwen (paramilitary HQ) is a virtual potted plant.

I think KCD did better than FO4 with its NPC animation variety. I’d expect WH to do kid animations with a similar attention to detail. It’d be nice to add them, their clothing and their animations in a historically appropriate manner… but not before then

Nightengale can’t be targeted and is accordingly immortal. WH has the means to make kid NPCs immortal. Just seems like they have more important priorities right now

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This would.be what I would say MGSV did well. I would love to see the devs show that the medieval life of children (I think they mention it slightly in the codex under Knights) was often extremely hard and pre-decided for them, much as it is in almost country that isn’t a first world country (reason I’m not saying third world is because of countries like India which have a number of “first world achievements” such as being a nuclear power (same goes for China) and in some areas being great when it comes to tech and schooling but once you drive out of the wealthy district kids are taught how to make shoes for $0.02/day.
I think quests involving skalitz orphans (and getting them homed where they won’t simply be beaten, raped or used as slaves) would be interesting. Though as people have pointed out everybody seems to be happily married etc so a quest involving a wife who (may have; aka did but you have to choose whether or not to tell te truth and have her burned at the stake) murders her husband because she’s angry that he always comes home drunk, well fed and slept with a who’re while she eats twice a week, or something like that.

Though as people have said, it’s not a top of the list item.

As for mods not being DLC and being free, naturally though (correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve never owned an Xbox) didn’t Microsoft bring in a way that allowed you to mod Skyrim on consoles? Doesn’t steam have a (small) mod db for Skyrim too. Which would put them in the “distributed by party in charge of sale” category, which naturally is nowhere near the same as “sold by developer” but it would at least mean the mods gained some recognition.

I think that the sensitivity regarding children will subside at some point in the future. Not saying that it’s okay to kill kids but to make a statement it could be used in a game. Plenty of movies have children killed violently on screen. The controversy surrounding games has steadily declined in recent years. In the early 2000s, graphic violence in Grand Theft Auto caused outrage and now in 2018 there are tons of GTA-like games and nobody bats an eyelash over it. In 2007, Mass Effect’s sex scenes caused some controversy and there wasn’t even any nudity. Now with games like The Witcher 3 and even Kingdom Come: Deliverance having the kinds of sex scenes that people were afraid Mass Effect had back in the day, there is no controversy about it at all. In a few years there will be more child death depicted in games and it won’t be an issue. Gamers are very open-minded like movie-goers were in the 60s it just takes the rest of society time to catch up and realize that taboo subjects don’t cause the decline of civilization.

I wonder if the omission of children was due to performance issues. The game already lags somewhat is concentrated areas, so having an even greater populace would make things worse.

Also, children don’t behave like adults, they run around, scream and play games. Maybe they couldn’t be arsed to put in the extra yard? Just having kids standing there like well behaved statues wouldn’t help much with immersion.

The witcher 3, as I think has been mentioned, did an incredible job. There was one village where a group of kids were sat around in a circle singing nursery rhymes. I think the Witcher 3 world felt much more alive in general.


Not so much in the middle ages.
I was just watching the manhunt/manhunt 2 executions as it’s been a while since a played manhunt 2 and honestly I can’t see what all the why people (or a person; jack thompson specifically) caused so much of an uproar about it.

It did remind me of Lucious and it’s sequel where you run around as a child (supposedly the antichrist) performing fairly brutal executions on family members and such. The sequel was much more brutal iirc yet it got rated 18+ and not AO like Manhunt 2 and Hatred.

If I can play as a kid killing adults why can’t I play as an adult playing kids. I’m calling ageism here. /sarcasm

It would be great to see in a future patch or perhaps DLC though as performance issues were mentioned that may be one reason, another would likely be a different AI and possibly different pathing as having a kid go up a castle chimney to sweep it wouldn’t be possible with adult models and AI, neither would child Knights training or some of the scenarios I’ve already mentioned.

It would be great to see done, but I can see why it’s not been done. (Yet, hopefully)

You can have children in the game and you do not need to kill them. There are a many NPC’s that are not killable. You can pickpocket them but you can’t kill them. This is not a morality game, but I can understand someone not wanting to do thieving or theft due to their moral scruples.


It would be a great addition now post-release!