Where is Herb Woman Shop storage Chest (near TalmBerg)?

Dear Fellow Kingdom Come Players,

Near TalmBerg there lives a Herb Woman (Playing with the Devil quest) in the woods.
This herb woman has a lot of interesting books etc for sale.

Sometimes in this game I buy the things/items I need from a Shop / person and then lockpick
their Chest so that I can get my money back. So I want to buy a ton of books from this Herb Woman but then get my money back in the same way. The problem is that I can not find / locate the Herb Womans shop storage chest.
Its not the chest in her hut. I have taken alot of time to look around in the surrounding area but alas… nothing.

Can anyone tell me where this chest is located??

Hope someone can help.

Thank you,



Perhaps she does not have one. In all my visits thru restarts and completion I don’t recall one.
If she does and you don’t see then it is your bug.

Sorry, but there is no shop chest at any (4?) herb women…
If you kill the herb women it’s not in their inventory.

you are incorrect there is at least one at another herbalist . It is in the her hut and a plain chest. I have robbed it the past runs frequently
edit: The one I refer to is west of Nuehof.

Dear Longshot,

The HerB Woman I am speaking about is the Herb Woman you encounter in the Playing with the Devil quest. This Herb Woman is located in the Forest to the north of Talmberg.

This woman does have a chest in her hut but it contains some standard items. It does NOT contain the books, ingredients (and cash) which you can buy from her. Like I said, I have searched her surroundings but I have not find another chest which contains these items.

If you kill, knockout, pickpocket her she does not have the items.

In my mind its highly unlikely that she does not have a storage chest or something like that to store these items since every other store has a storage chest which contains the items from the store and the groschens from the store owner.

Sooooo maybe you have overlooked it to? or maybe its invisible or something?



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