Where will this game be released?

Hello lads,

Where will this game be released? and most of all will it be available in Australia?
I only ask because i heard someone say its europe only D: (also sorry for story and setting category but it was theonly one to show) D:

The game should be released worldwide AFAIK. The story and settings category is strangely appropriate as only thing I think is Europe only in the game is story and settings :slight_smile:

No publisher = no stupid restrictions and region locks. It should be available world wide imo. Maybe some dev will answer you better!

@Dekssan: Some games get banned in certain countries because of some specific content. So this is not a publisher issue, it’s a content issue.

There will be no regional lock.

I’m aware of that. However there is no violence like in GTA or nazi symbols like in Wolfenstein, so it’s not THAT case.