Who wants to see Daniel, Toby, Ondra or Viktor in the game?

we have grown too strong he cant defeat us , now he simply has to embrace

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You are only alive because I am a merciful god… and because I very much respecht @McWonderBeast… nuff said :slight_smile:


Hahaha, yeah…with a giant bow, his arrows will be Zweihanders…forest is dangerous at that period…some are talking about giants who eat lone fellows…who dare adventure themselves deep inside during the night! No magic, no dungeons, no dragons…but hey…a giant Dan is possible…! :innocent:


There he is, now the main question is…what will be his role in the game ? I’m staying with my giant archer with zweihanders arrows !

…amish hillbilly… so his biggest power will be bible and rakes, no shooting zweihanders :frowning:

…investigabiles viae Domini…
In English (not completely sure) : The Lord works in mysterious ways.
In French : les voies du Seigneur sont impénétrables

As a hangman will be good.

Okay, looks like I´m wrong!

I will find you (@Hellboy) in the game. Don’t be surprised by sending you back to hell!! :smile: