Why am I always drunk?!?!

So why is it that every time I try to reload my baptism of fire and it goes to gameplay I’m drunk. I didnt even drink prior to starting the mission buy I’m always drunk…so weird. Can anyone help me

Im guessing you probably popped a potion before you saved and that’s getting you drunk, but regardless of what you did to get drunk pop a hair of the dog potion and that should make all your drunkness go away…

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Sometimes in big fights when I’m vastly outnumbered a pop like 5 potions my guy is absolutely so hammered at the end of that… that I have to pop a hair of the dog potion or else I’m way too drunk.

Well even when I restart to the last save point I still won’t drink and I end up drunk. It’s confusing. The very first time I did the mission I wasn’t drunk now Everytime after that in drunk

Are you using a bed to save or the saviour snhaps. Because the latter makes you drunk.

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It was a souvenir snhaps

You do realize that Saviour Schnapps is an alcoholic beverage?

I did before you posted that. Do I need to be a certain level on swordsmanship to beat the final bandit on that mission? I keep loosing to him no matter what I do

Being higher level certainly helps.
I would recommend using combos. Runt has no helmet so if you pull off one that ends with hit to the head you might wound him pretty bad.
Also learning perfect block will help you a lot in this and future fights.

The guy blocks almost all of my strikes! I looted a better sword off one of the cumans. And I’ll pull out my bow and shoot him a couple times buy not even that helps