I have spent hours and hours in the arena trying to learn combat the “proper” way and I have made zero progress. Even when doing a training fight with wooden swords I just get beat all to hell. I am trying to do any of the things I’m supposed to do: parry, dodge, combos, ANYTHING, and none of them work. I might occasionally get in a parry or a dodge but if I IMMEDIATELY follow up with a slash, I’m still too slow, he parries my attack and I’m back picking my teeth up out of the mud.
I spent literally over an hour trying to land one single “Pommel Strike” combo, stab, left slash, right-bottom slash, and never landed it even once. My training partner recovers from the stab faster than I can make a follow-up left slash and promptly beats the shit out of me with a three- or four-step combo of his own that I am completely unable to avoid.
I thought maybe I was too slow because of the armor so I stripped down to leather and cloth - no difference.
I thought maybe my performance would be better with a higher framerate so I set the graphics to Low but the framerate stays at a blazing 20-25 FPS whether I’m on Low or Ultra-High.
I have been tempted repeatedly to hurl my mouse across the room but the small rational part of my brain manages to restrain my hand before the MASSIVE feelings of frustration can completely overwhelm me. I think a big part of my frustration comes from the expectation, set up by the tutorial, that these techniques I am supposed to be doing should work in combat. And then I try them and they just don’t. But they SHOULD! And they DON’T! BUT THEY SHOULD! ARRRRRRGH!
I just don’t know what else I can do. Suck less? Yeah, okay. But it’s not like this is my first time in this kind of environment. M&B:W has similar combat mechanics and I fair reasonably well in that.
Is this how it’s supposed to be? I get that it’s beta and at the same time this is the client we’re stuck with until release, whenever that might be. So, is this how it’s supposed to be given the client we’re stuck with?