Why I'm giving up on this game

Combat - Bad, really non smooth. Other than that great concept just badly executed

Animations - Bad… No variation on walking, sprinting and don’t get me started on the combat.

Story - Actually really good, probably the only thing they did good with this game.

Gameplay overall - Meh, no replayability, otherwise i guess okay. Bad though considering this would be a much better game with replayability

Overall I think this game would be so extremely much better if it had better developers, I understand the concept and what they wanted to do with this game. The problem is they neither have the manpower nor the experience to complete such a big project like this. I really hope they prove me wrong in the future tho.

The fan base of this game are really annoying and always are just talking smack about every negative thing anyone says against this game. If they can’t come up with an argument they will just get childish.

This is a real RPG, not the usual action RPG where you have to click 3 times max to kill. Combat is really smooth.

Animations are the best you will see nowadays, recorded with motion capture, and even in many AAA games you won’t find better.

Replayability - as good as Fallout/Skyrim (with mods, except that you don’t need mods in KC:D) series ; i have a total of 300 hours (6 playthrough) since the 19th february. Some players even have 800 hours i guess.

About the dev they did really a great job. During my months of playing, from v.1.2 to 1.6, i rarely expected a bug.

Dev and leaders, as said, are allways listening to the fan of this game, even to the haters who spead bull s.h.i.t all the time. People say that they would like tournaments ? They did it. People say that they’d love companions ? There is already a horse and they will release a DLC. People say that there is bugs ? They have worked on it and have released many patchs.

As previously said in the thread : Low fps even on low i dont have 60 fps
if you are on PC and want 60 fps : “Please try my mod https://www.nexusmods.com/kingdomcomedeliverance/mods/482


What?! Sow me 10 games which did these two things better than other games.
Everytime in one RPG game you will have one walk animation, one sprint animation
Special animations for cutscenes and scripted events but no other game gives you different styles.
Same for combat. Every game useing a kind of the same as other games. If you change your combat style in other games it is the result of a hack n slay or arcade combat system and not that it is trying to use one base for all kind of attacks and combos. Yes, the transition of the individual attacks in KCD is not fluid and clean. But as i said, it isnt a combat like in other games where everything feels like hack n slay/arcade

And here i will correct the sentence for you,
“Overall I think this game would be so extremely much better if it had another Engine, I understand the concept and what they wanted to do with this game.”

Yeah you wondering after you did very crappy comparisons like many others!
That is why people like you, need such posts like mine. Bye


I didn’t mention anything about realism or the fact that combat is “too easy” so that’s just weird of you to say.

  1. Combat is extremely un-smooth and that’s almost a fact. There are a lot of people that agree on that case just watch the steam reviews.

  2. The skyrim replayability is much much better than kcd because there are almost 2x the quests, KCD has 3 storylines WITH dlc’s, The main of course and tournament (which doesn’t even seem to work for most) + Hans Capon. Skyrim has the main quests, dark brotherhood, thieves guild, college of winterhold, the war, Companions. And with dlc’s Dragonborn and Dawnguard. That’s 8 storylines in 1 game. And the side quests are 2x more too so yeah.

The devs are good, they’re just inexperienced. They have like 20 people in their team too so yeah.

  1. Yes that’s the strongest side of these devs, that they listen to their fans. There are extremely many bugs, and they just get replaced with new ones after each patch.

I don’t care about performance as long as the gameplay is good but it’s not so… yeah.

A good example of a person without arguments.

I thought it summed up quite well your entire post. Except maybe about the fact you enjoy the story. Everything else was just well dumb. Combat is awesome, The animations are good if not great, and replayability? Well I think I’m on my 4th or 5th play through.


you mean the consumption kids who buying everything and giving it away after one or three playthroughs? The same people who wants crap free content in games like Assassins’s Creed and you can play with FC Primal or Honor trash? Or the same guys who said around 2007 that a Horse armor for 3$ is ridiclious and now 2018 they buying loot boxes for cosmetic content in price sizes of 20$?
Do you mean these steam reviewers?


I mean, you can watch yourself if you want.

Give reasons to why my argument is “dumb”. You seem to be the dumb one here considering that you don’t show me any reasons to it not being like I am saying.

Neither did i, or do you think that “real rpg” means “realism” ? There is a big difference.
As Rataj said :

And you reply with even more crappy comparaisons :

quantity isn’t everything. You forgot quality, or durability. Skyrim replayability can’t be compared with KC:D, specially if you compare two things with only one criteria (quantity).

Wrong again. I even got the proof ! Watch my 80 hours gameplay (youtube sparkleedge hardcore) and i dare you to indicate “extremely many bugs”.


yeah saying others opinions and reviews are the holy word on earth and i can tell you more examples about these consumption people and you came up only with that! When I look at myself, I’m not an idiot and buy every early-access game from developers where people work that I’ve never heard of before!
Not like your Steam Reviewers!

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It might be different on PC but the Xbox version is so broken that it’s unplayable. Not even after reinstalling and starting a new game does it even work. I can’t believe that there are people who have found no bugs after 80 hours.

Ok so you think combat in this game is bad. Give examples of better melee combat in an RPG.
I will give you an example of not so great at all, Skyrims melee combat. Total bare bones. Zero physical feedback. Basic on many levels.

I can be critical of the Devs. I don’t particularly like the dlcs so far. I don’t like some of the approaches, I think there were places that got boring in the game, alot of wasted opportunities on some side quests the witches in the woods for example.

You say different Devs would have made this better. I’ll stop you right there. No other Devs were willing to push for a game like this, this hard. The Devs gave more than just time for this game. They didn’t give up after having many doors closed in their faces. So this statement from you is wholly ignorant and a serious disservice to them and the real world sacrifices they made just bring this concept to light.

There are plenty, RPGs are littered with them. Skyrim, Fallouts, Witcher 3 was. This still has alot probably due to its ambition to studio size engine ratio. Not denying the bugs at all. I had a pretty decent first playthrough but I’m sure wasn’t the case for many especially on console.

There is ample opportunity to replay this game. Several different ways to approach nearly all the missions. Add to this a hardcore mode and if someone enjoyed the game first time around they could easily play again.

You didn’t enjoy it. Fair enough you won’t be seeing replay value.

The blind fans of this game are no different to the blind fans of other games. Does not mean anyone that enjoys the game or disagrees with you is a blind fan or incapable of critical thinking of the game. You used a sweeping generalisation. That is on you.


Sure thing…

No variations on running or walking… Uhhhh what? Should he like randomly fall down every now and again or something? I’m trying to remember one game that I’ve ever playied in my life that had variations of running, walking, or just moving in general.

Don’t get you started on the combat? You already started on the combat right before you said that by saying it’s not “smooth”. I’m not entirely sure what you mean here? How is it not smooth?? You are actually the one that didn’t do any explaining here.

You said the story is good… Which is true. But that is the ONLY thing good they did in this game?? Really? Are you just completely ignoring the fact that is one of the better looking games that’s ever been made? On PC anyway… I haven’t played it on a console. Alchemy is cool as hell. The quests are fun and can be solved in many different ways. Unlike uhhhh what was the name of that game everyone loves… oh yea Skyrim… Fetch this and bring it here… Oh and go fetch that and take it over there… that sums up questing in that game. Speaking of that game… You want to talk about bad combat?? I’ve played games on my phone that had better combat than Skyrim and it’s considered one of the “greatest RPG’s of all time”. Yeah right…

I’ve already explained replayability.

The fanbase isn’t annoying. The people who come on this forum and just spout stupid crap are though. The fanbase is quite nice actually. If someone is having an issue there are people here they will go out of their way to help you.

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Define “bad”? If by bad you mean it’s not what you’re used to, that’s a terrible use of the word. Adapt to the changes. Experiment more. This might just be the best game you’ve ever played.


Combat might not be everyone, it certainly feels clunky and animations are not smooth, neither NPC are holding weapons correctly, but it is fun, it can take you one hit to kill or 5 minutes, allows you to attack various ways, combinations, you do not even have to be locked on opponent to kill them, it is just a trick not everyone can do.

I am playing second time all the way through, I failed on some quests, so I saw the alternative walkthrough and the story still continued. One option is to kill all, another is to fail skill checks, sneak through, non kill, make your own, pay for it. When I died and did quest over and over, NPCs always stood elsewhere, the weather was different, I was ambushed and died, found something interesting. So replayability is huge despite it having only one ending and that you can not roleplay a bad guy in main story.

@Sterling-Archer Hardcore mode certainly adds to replayability because first time around it is so easy, but with that bad boy, you will have to stick a little longer.

@Idde 20 was at the start, probably around 2011/2012.

The team has not enough experience doing something no one did before, especially with that engine. They have about 120 people. D. Vavra mentioned he struggled with huge team to achieve success and some developers might be much more successful in 2 and make millions.

The fan base of this game was really diverse at the start. There were many whiners who hate everything and 10/10 masterpiece fans and only few in between who appreciate the game but see the bugs too.

The walking animations are very stale and bad. When the NPC’s move they just teleport sideways, it’s very weird. It’s not smooth cause the animations are bad. They look really unfinished. I have no idea how I would explain. The animations aren’t bound, they’re seperated.

This game is certainly not one of the best looking games ever made. Far Cry 5 has better graphics, Anthem, Forza Horizon 4. Almost all games released in 2017/18 look better than this.

The fanbase is annoying, Just look at this post. @ShadowFox already told me smack about my parents. now he just edited it out.

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Combat: Yes I thik the combat is bad. Hmm almost any game. Skyrims combat is not good, though it is still working. It’s still a concept that works. KCD’s concept doesn’t work at all… with these devs.

Devs: I meant different devs as in more experienced devs. I really like the work they made to this, I bought this game at launch and I have completed it.

Bugs: I didn’t bring up bugs, actually I don’t really mind bugs unless they break the game in some way, even then I really don’t care. A game should not be played just because you want to complete it. I play games cause they are fun not because I just want to complete them.

I really liked this game and I had hopes for it. It was one of the few games I was thinking about since 2015. Sadly the more I played it the less I enjoyed it.