Why isn't KCD on MMORPG.com?

Title pretty much sums it up.
MMORPG.com gets a LOT of traffic. Having KCD there would definately improve exposure. And Exposure = funding.
IMO 9/10 MMORPG players have no idea this game exists.

If you do an awesome article with MMORPG.com and get your hype up there it would be awesome.

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Ehm, maybe because KC: D isn’t a MMORPG? :blush:


Why would it be there when it’s not one? We’ve already had a little confusion from a few players because it showed up in Steam’s MMORPG area or whatever it is.

KCD is planned as pure single-player from the start. And we all counting on it and that’s how we like it the most.

We don’t need another MMORPG, there is enough already. Even Blizzard couldn’t came up with another MMORPG which is different but also fun to play.

I stand corrected.
Somehow that makes me even more excited.

We are on MMORPG.DE :smiley:


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Buuut…why? XD
I mean it´s called MMOrpg.de after all…and not just…RPG.de
Not that I would complain…the more publicity and attention the better :smiley:

They mentioned us as NOT beeing an mmorpg, but as beeing an interesting enough game to talk about :slight_smile:

That´s a good thing! :smiley: … I guess
How the hell did I miss that one? It´s a german article about KC: D and I missed it…I failed you :frowning:

…yeah… shame! And now go to bed! :slight_smile: There is an interview to do/watch tomorrow! :smiley:

I should probably do that after just two hours of sleep yesterday… but on the other hand I got no lectures tomorrow sooo…hmm.
And yeah I recognized at least that one!
I´m quite corious about this :slight_smile:

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Your lucky this isnt a Japanese historical RPG as you would have to commited seppuku!
Now you only have to buy indulgentia instead :- )

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When I read the post title - ಠ_ಥ

When I finished reading the entire post - 。゜(`Д´)゜。

When I finished reading all of the posts - ⊜_⊜

And all was resolved.