Will game support SLI?

I thought this was working 100% but after further review, it isn’t right yet… I think they will work it out so I would just wait for the game to utilize sli on its own code… If I do the trick above both of my 980ti’s light up and my frames shoot up 30fps - but… the game seems to “hitch” just a bit when moving forward - looking around is solid but moving hitches… Still pissed off I had to buy on Steam because I didn’t my code from WH… Sorry, i digress

Im using Crysis 3 Profile, def a fps improvement but:
I get a strange flickerung with Fullscreen…any one else got this Problem? Can only Play in borderless
(with 0x080040F5 bits the 2 Cards seems to scale correct but no big fps+…ans also flickering in FS)

yes, i can turn on with cool bits and get 30 fps boost but it kind of hesitates when I move foreward or run forward…looking around is good…But it isn’t 100% acceptable, so my single 980ti is chugging…but it is an awesome card be better if it’s brother would light up…LOL

Trying the new AMD Radeon 18.2.3 drivers with the Kingdom Come Deliverance crossfire profile and the performance seems better than the previous drivers.

same for me btw…while moving i get big fps drops =(

Fix works great. Got 1.8x-2x performance improvement. FPS drops happen sometimes, but nothing serious.

Only fullscreen, doesn’t work with borderless, right.

Thanks :slight_smile:

p.s. Alt+Enter can be used to quickly get back to fullscreen.

Yeah… Still hoping for an official sli release though.