Just wondering if the kick starters will receive the map pack?
Yes, you will receive it with the game^^
What does this mean? I bought the baron tier digital. Does this mean I will get a map with it or other bonus awards?
It is an in-game ‘inventory item’ of map(s), which will aid finding a treasure hidden at the indicated position in the in-game world.
Who will give you these and how I am not sure, but the activity is quite similar to the finding of the ‘lost sword’ or ‘Reeky’s inciminating Gambeson and money’ in the beta - it will be stashed in some hidden or buried location which you might be able to just stumble on, but this is much easier if you have a map, directions or can follow someone. (In this case though - a map).
If the items exist in-game, regardless of the posession of a map, then I imagine the location will soon appear online and anybody will be able to find them easily enough… no?
yes vut its cooler to have a thing in game to do it
just a nod to backers
No problem for me. I know that I will like the game very much.