Win free tickets for Battle of Libušín

Free Tickets and free Beer! :slight_smile:
Win 5x2 Tickets and meet us at the medieval reenactment festival Battle of Libušín on Saturday the 23rd. See up to 2000 warriors fighting like our ancestors did.

Warhorse Studios and Friendly brewery Malešov will share a booth together and tap our legendary Warhorse Beer. All winners will get a chance to taste a free “glass”!

Comment why you want to win the tickets. The best reasons will be picked on Thursday the 21st.


Well, I want my wife starts understand that longsword fighting is actually very nice and lovely sport. When she will realise that, she will also understand my opinion on how healthy was life back then. People spent most of their time in forests, walking, running, they were dexterous (or they had good agility? Dunno, and there’s a thread about it…) you didn’t have to spend whole day at office or in a shop like me, nobody wouldn’t stare at me while having sword on my back and there were no traffic jams (!!!). Men punched each other time to time. Nobody had to take a loan to build a house, you could simply build a house on some distant area.
So if everything goes well, Battle of Libušín can actually save our marriage!
Okay, that’s actually more than one reason, but I hope you’ve got idea what I wanted to say…

Swords are only drawable from the hip or from a scabbard in the hand. You will die still trying to get even a short sword off your back.

Longsword is very fun and hard work… you do need to be somewhat careful, but there is a decent range of good protection available and it is getting better all the time.

I carry feder on back only when go to training or from training. It straightens your back really well :smiley:

Já tedy příliš nechápu, proč je soutěž v angličtině. Pochybuji, že je někdo
kromě bydliště středních Čech a Prahy schopný během jednoho
pracovního dne od vyhlášení soutěže do bitvy, zajet si
vyzvednout lístky do vašich kanceláří a poštou by to trvalo
týden. Jakožto každoroční účastník výše popsané není pro
mne problém, a proto jsem vhodný kandidát na vítěze. :slight_smile:

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Your understanding of life in medieval Europe is on par with how a 14 year old Pakistani imagines life in Germany.

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tak tomuhle klukovi bych ten lupen dal naprosto bez řečí :slight_smile:

I gotta say, YOU SIR MADE MY DAY!!! XD


Díky za lístky! Jak se můžu revanžovat?

Nemusis se revansovat, stejne bych je nevyuzil tak aspon nekomu budou k uzitku :slight_smile:

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Nechci kvůli blbině zakládat celé nové vlákno, takže se zeptám jen tady. Hudba co zněla na Libušíně zazní ve hře? A druhá otázka. Příběh velké bitvy je závěr prvního aktu ve hře co? :slight_smile:


Hodne pekny video!
Hele co je to “soule”? Prvni report z Libusina co jsem videl byl, ze si kamos pri tom vcera zlomil klicni kost :smiley:

Ich würde sie nur haben wollen um euch zu treffen! :slight_smile:
Aber da ich verarmter und enteigneter Baron bin… würde des nichts werden. :smile:
Finde aber cool das Ihr sowas macht :wink:

One note on the Battle of Libušín. As regards sound, firearms completely dominated the battlefield. 1403 Bohemian game without firearms is simply not realistic at all. Not only from the historical point of view, but also from gamer’s point of view, having such a potent weapon which is impossible to ignore on the battlefield would be greatly complement the game.

As regards accessibility of firearms…


1403 is not fully hussite period yet… but in future acts, why not? :slight_smile: First just as an experimental mechanics, later as a full part of the game… For game purposes and for telling a good story, you need to have a bit unbalanced sides from time to time… If nothing else, it would show the turn from the ‘old’ to the ‘new’ times in a really interesting manner… not very realistic, but would work really well.

And since I like to compare… one of the most funny things about ol’good Flashpoint and Resistance was that the enemy had more and stronger tanks, air support and everything while you was just some hillbilly running through the woods with a bunch of creepy quiet weirdos (as would Lester say) and attacking their military convoys from time to time to get your hands on top military equipment. Such setting would work in game set in medieval times as well…

Gotta note that the first part “the number of armourers in the Czech towns was much higher then in German towns” is wrong! (Not completely but partially)
If we talk about armourers who made armour (plate, maille) it 's definitely wrong! (For weapons smith --> I 've got no idea, I’m not interested in weapons)

(Talking about armourers that made armour now)
The number of armouring workshops outside of northern Italy around 1400 was quite low. Bigger cities had armourers, this is true but looking at them in detail you will notice that many of the workshops were run by one single person. The bigger workshops, at 1400, were still in northern Italy, about 70% of the armour for Europe was produced there. 20% go to south Germany and the final 10% is the whole rest of Europe. This keeps until 1500, afterwards the numbers change, Germany gets more influence on the market, Italy produces less and new workshops rise. But still armourers, concerning guys that make armour, in Prague did surely not outnumber the german ones.

Hussites were not the first to use firearms - they were the first to use them in large scale on the battlefield. They had been in use during sieges for a long time before.

Sorry, I made two mistakes.

Firstly, it was not about the total number, but about the ratio.

Secondly, you are right that armorer may have been a wrong translation. What I meant was weapons makers in general. As far as I understand smith may have been making also farm tools out of iron and would not need to be a member of guild, thus smith may not be the best word either.