WISHLIST! What do you guys want from this game?!

Not sure if this has already been mentioned, sorry if it is.

I want this game to play mod-friendly. Which means it’s open for modding. Imagine the possibilities! The devs eventually may merge some good mods into their game. (Game like M&B, Ark)

Its been well known this game will be mod community friendly.

since the luanch of the forums there has been a Mod topic category.

some interesting threads in there.

I hear you,
But anything we would tell you (except the thing which will be said at E3) would actually hold little value, because the process is everchanging.
Once I was just a fan and I also wanted to know more. Now that I am in, i see that there is not much to tell except "we are in developement"
You will just have to be more patient.

Talking about bugs and suggestions. We have our bug/feedback reporting system at http://support.kingdomcomerpg.com/ so best way is to post there.
But keep in mind that almost all bugs from beta are quite possibly already fixed in our version.

Thats all from me.

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Atm only German language files or the tool for translation!

its not good to jump with the controller while runing becouse B is run and X is jump

I get your point, but at least a regular feedback would be really nice. even if it holds little value. if you communicate something like “on every 1th of the month, we will publish a short video about what we did, which feedback we got, what are (still) our current problems, what are we planning to do as next step…”, everyone knows “hey, I will get feedback, I’m involved, I see the gain from the community, YEAH! I only have to wait until the next month”.
since something like that should be documented constantly in a professional project like this, it shouldn’t take long for the PR people to produce it (so no lost workforce in the actual development). but you will get a happier community, I guess @Princemc24 would also be fine with something little like that.

I know, for you guys it doesn’t feel like something with a huge value, and that you guys think that you have “something better to do”. but that’s the reason why you have different departments (e.g. PR), and the community is your most important marketing! if they’re not happy, the game won’t be successful. you’re working on a professional project, and constant feedback is an extremely important part!

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You are asking for monthly report of what we do.
That is like opening our doors to a bunch of guys, let them walk around and tell us what they think. And if we were to listen to everyone and take everything in consideration, we would not finish the game a all.

The way you write it, it seems like you think that this monthly report thing is something completely normal.
But I have never seen any game studio giving out internal information to their fans, for any reason, being it feedback or their happiness.

What you are asking for is simply too much.

I popped into this discussion to explain how it is. And why you wont be given info so often.
So you dont have to try to convince me of anything, I have no power over this, and even if I had, it would be counterproductive to do what you suggest.

But I have never seen any game studio giving out internal information to their fans

Then you suffer from vast lack of serious experience.

In fact, it is quite usual, that crowd funded and/or community friendly game studio provides regular reports of what will be in the next release, how to solve issues and planned new features. Also, new releases (game-updates) of the open beta or early access game are far more often. Not to talk theory, here are the examples.
Here, you can find more than monthly reporting (please note the “Monthly recap” posts):

I have followed this game since KS campaign and in the Early Access times, both information reports and game-updates were frequent (at least monthly):

This game has sometimes “period of silence” lasting more than a month, but still information and roadmap planning is transparent, frequently updated and new releases of EA are frequent (far more frequent, than KC:D):

I thought, that Kingdom Come is this type of game and the open approach would be used. From your answer it seems, that it is rather closed and secret approach like the big (and mean) game studios follows. Like EA, Ubisoft and these. I am quite disappointed if this is true and I expected the community-open approach from Warhorse. I desperately miss constant improvement of the current beta (lack of game-updates) - this is the reason I have ceased to play the beta long ago. Issues are known, but the silence is deafening…


When your character has a bad reputation NPC’s are refusing to talk to you. I think you should eaven than have a chance to force them to speak. Sure if someone sees you trying it, he or she might call the guards.

Maybe two skill tests for doing so. First strenght, to show if the NPC is able to break free if you grap him and second testing your intimidation skill. The intimidation test shouldn’t just be a test for the NPC if he speaks to Henry or not. It should also be a test for the NPC how great he thinks is the chance to get away with a lie and/or call the guards afterwards.

Well, you are talking about game updates. As i understood, @ahangor wanted a monthly report of what is going in WH.
That is completely different.
Giving info about updates is one thing, giving internal info about development is another.

As far as I know (and I might be wrong) we dont have any realese plan for updates, so we cannot make any reports.

Also the games you provided are already running projects. They might be in early access but they are still already released.
KC:D is not at that stage.

Now I am outta this topic.
see ya

you are talking about game updates

No, I am not talking only about game updates, but also (mainly) about lack of any info-updates. Regular reporting or however you want to call it. Similar to the “Monthly recap” Offworld Industries do for their Squad. They have been posting even before the game was released for open beta (or early access on steam), during the closed beta stage.

the games you provided are already running projects

I hope KC:D is also running project:)

They might be in early access but they are still already released.

KD:C has been released as well - for open beta. You can simply go to the KD:C homepage and purchase the game there.
Exactly the same applies for Squad and Exanima; both games are in open beta status as KD:C is. And it was valid for Darkest Dungeon as well a year or 2 ago (when RedHook has been posting regular information updates or “reports”).

Actualy, I do not want to argue if it is valuable or reasonable to provide regular info to the community in this thread, where we are off topic. I would not be bothering to reply without your statement: "I have never seen any game studio giving out internal information to their fans"
There are game studios, which are providing “internal” information to their fans (or regular “reports” ahangor is asking for). If you have never seen such game studio, now you have 3 examples. There are many more, since such approach is common and usual for community friendly game studios (especialy for crowd funded games).

Your example games are in bit different situations than KCD is and also in different stage of developement.

Problem is that WH, although indie studio is acting like big game company and so it cannot be completely transparent.
There are some things behind the curtain that cannot be said or WH dont want to be said.

My statement was bit wrong. But basically true. Game studios in our situation dont tend to release internal info.

Keep in mind that WH is not completely crowed funded studio, it si not completely dependant on money from backers, so WH is not forced to keep convincing people to give them money. All WH needs now is just time.
Spending that time by producing reports, video updates and game updates just pushes the release date further.

Its statements and sentiments like this that are damaging to this community.

I guess loyalty and support of the fans isn’t needed anymore then.

the issue is there has been almost no development news for backers since beta release, a beta that disappointed many (even those who know how development works and have been following kcd since day one).

As far as it appears the project may as well have ceased (i know this not to be true) throw these people a bone even if it’s a tease.

this more directed at WH as an entity then you proky.


Well, what Proky said is kind of true, but it is also true that this game would not exist and will not exist without the community.
We have regular updates, but no montly reports. You can see behind the curtains of development in our video updates and on social media. In the video updates, you will see a focus on different tasks, how specific aspects of the game are developed. On Social media you get more ad hoc information about the game development, for example the status in Motion Capure or news about face scans. If there is a news in development, you will see it here sooner or later, but it is not used in a form of a regular montly update.

ok, I should say that what I am writing here is not an official statement, just my interpretation of the situation.

Also you should now that I am all in for more info to community, but I also see that it is not as simple as it might seem.

In no way I was meaning to say that support of the community is not needed anymore. Of course it is needed, as much as ever, I’d say.

Personally I hope that we will be able to show you more, but that is not up to me.

… gee i have stepped into it, didnt I?

I would never expect a full transparency, I would only expect a short 2-5min video, not covering everything, only 1,2 small examples, like “hey guys, you wanted to have a torch while riding? with the next update, it will has an own key!”. or simply a statement like "sry guys, we won’t be able to give you an update in the next month. but we are already closer to solve this damn save-problem"
to show the community, that their work is appreciated and has some results. as long as you guys document your steps intern properly, you only need to pick a few examples. can be done in 30min (it doesn’t need to be extremely professional or in high quality)
I know, this sounds kinda pointless, but it isn’t, it can be a huge boost for the motivation of the community and reducing complaints. and since it’s an open beta, I would simply expect it.

and no, it wouldn’t push the release date like you said, since this is a job for PR, working with the project documentation, not one developer needs to disturbed for that.


This…Completely agree.

It’s pretty much been building to this sentiment for a while now, but it’s come to a head recently in my opinion. And I’d wager that the general consensus of long time supporters and active members on this forum, would be that we’ve gone from feeling like we matter as backers, to now just feeling like we’re simply another member of the general public.

I mean, think about the anticipation we all felt waiting for new video updates and alpha versions to drop… and the sense of joy and excitement that came with watching, playing and dissecting those for the first time. They created so many talking points, and really were the lifeblood of this community. They collectively made us feel like we actually mattered to Warhorse, like we were special, and were getting restricted little insights into their world…

We’ve had no true video updates on actual game development, and as @McWonderBeast says, the beta in its current state left many disappointed and let down. With no promise of bug fixes or new refined versions. Kind of felt like it was put together to appease us, rather than as a means to help us meaningfully contribute to the betterment of the game.

Anways… you can only retread so much old ground before you become tired. And I think… many of us are simply tired.

At this point, I’m just waiting to see what E3 has in store for us. Hopefully then, like the rest of the gaming world we might have a few more things to talk about in relation to KCD.


Okay, I think this is an important topic here. We are working on a new video update again and this will take some more focus to the game and the development. So you will have some view again on what is going on with KCD.


That’s great.

But point of my initial post wasn’t to force WH hand or put community in charge of development by criticizing every new feature. In other words, I trust WH and don’t want us to become some kind of overseers.
Point was much more trivial: messages and worry.

Beta - in my opinion, at least, was train wreck. While I admire the ambition, quality and scope of the game, when we get… this 17 fps bugfest and Dan is just cheering in the videos - “beta is out, wooo” - and studio goes totally dark after that… I become worried.
I’m pretty sure WH knew too how badly KCD beta handles and plays. How awkward fencing is in reality and how easy it is to break game and quests. So ignoring all this and not discussing it honestly - or rather - at all sends a message. Message that similar problems are “ok” and to be expected from final product too. Maybe in some other form or context, but problems nevertheless.

Community - which is nothing more than end-users who are also hardcore fans for entire project - and myself too of course - trusts this all to resolve and game of dreams happen somewhere down the line.

In other words, I want to know that in the final release, sleeping in-game doesn’t take as long as it would take in real life, that saving and loading will work perfectly, that exploration is rewarded, instead of discouraged by game breaking down, that combat system becomes playable with keyboard+mouse setup, that as a PC gamer, I will see 60 frames per second, and so on. No-one has confirmed any of that!

We got a shock, and we were left with that shock.

And this trust - that things will resolve - doesn’t run on empty air.
Why should I trust this project to succeed, if all I can show for it is broken beta and being in the dark for months now? Why should anyone?
And kickstarted projects are all about trust. Trust, trust, trust. That trust made much of the studio it is today.
If that doesn’t count, I don’t know what does.

Wasn’t one of biggest problems of this game not getting trust from publishers?
So what about people who stepped up and gave that trust? They don’t matter now?


I put some ideas here

Apart from this, I would love to meet some historical characters and also, some historical facts with dates would be fun to read during game load or sleepin :slight_smile: . Visiting medieval Prague is also my wish (like Florence in Assassin Creed ).

  • Being able to posess one’s own house / farm
    But the thing I wish the most is some intriguing story and unforgettable adventure :stuck_out_tongue: