I saw this in combination with oculus rift. Is such a Controller usable to play this game?
I really like this technology cause its simplifying motion capture and make it accessible to almost everyone due to its low price. In the video they didnt say too much about video games.
I think its not going to be a good way of controlling kingdom come though, cause you need to optimize a game for such a “controller” from the beginning. It may be possible but I cant imagine how the controls would work actually.
I think we need to wait some years till things like this are suited for practical use.
it’s a medival rpg, not exactly a touchy feely sim. probably not.
Certainly very interesting in the field of training of various crafts, in medicine (surgery) and for some sports. In the games area it runs on Wii also - that must fit the character of the game, the players bring real benefits and critical mass of players must like.
Due to the limitations (wiring / sensors etc.) the freedom of movement outside of the game for pizza, chips, drinks, I have my doubts.