Women in the 15th century had access to Breast Implants?

Amusing observation but I noticed in all the sex scenes in the game that the women appear to have breast implants. You can see this clearly when they are viewed from below and how perfectly round the breasts are. I don’t know if it was lack of time or maybe it was easier just to depict women’s body in this way in the game. I understand this is marketed towards young men so I understand why and how so few would notice.

Also their bodies are designed as the current ideal body when in that era was a “long and slender body with small breasts but a protruding belly”. So large implants were not the ideal. Think this https://metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/437059 vs Kim Kardashian.

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Yes they did have the breast implant science, only the implants weren’t silicon based back then. They mainly used hay.


I had exactly the same feeling as you do when watching those cut scenes - the women’s breasts are large, and hard / static it’s as if they have implants!

Oh well, only a minor issue to me in the overall game - after all I play this game to enjoy the whole RPG experience and the story. I don’t play this game for sexual arousal - if anything, such cut scenes are actually a nuisance when you have no way of knowing in advance that a scripted interaction will lead to some steamy action while you’re playing on the big TV in the living room, family including young children watching… :wink:


Holy shit. The game is hard enough on the hardware. You want DOA breast physics too?

I am sure there is a double entendre or three to be made.

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Same here. It’s a minor issue overall and really only heaps noticeable for me because I’ve recently watched a documentary series on netflix about the plastic surgery industry and expectations regarding women’s bodies. Apparently that fake tit shape is more attractive. Eh. I understand from a development point of view and as a bonus some guys and girls can get a good wank.


I don’t think it is a design decision. It is just easier to do them like this. You don’t need physics and animations this way. I mean we see breasts twice in this game. Not that big a deal.

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I could be wrong about this, but I think their idea of a “woman” at that time would have them added to a sex offender registry now adays,lol.