I am trying to talk to Captain Bernard at the Neuhof Stud Farm, to report what I have discovered. The problem is, when I try to approach him, he arrests me saying I was seen carrying a lifeless body. I am playing my game as a noble and just character, and do not kill innocents or anything of the sort. Only body I have ever touched was hours of play earlier, when I did the “Do me a favor - punch me” quest, and after knocking the guy out, I accidentally hit “E” and it caused me to pick him up. I just put him right back down. I have never carried a dead body, but now I have to go to jail because the game says I did!? I have tried all options available to not go to jail, but all fail. I go to jail, or flee and become a fugitive!?
I don’t like playing criminals in games, but this game seems destined to force me to do so., even if I commit no crime.