Xbox One X - Patch 1.2 - graphics downgrade

You are having a fanboy attitude, do you even realize that?
And you are the one who seems over sensitive.

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Ban this Leroy1985 please? He cant nothing just flame and insult,thanks. Child…

I dont want to, and im not a fanboy, i have Xbx, pro and a pc too… I write a problem about optimisation. Its problem on consoles and pc too. We dont need ps fanboys here to insult MS users, thanks.

run along and play on your 1080p pro child,adults are talking now son :+1:

Not siding with leroy here (he’s being a jerk) but he’s not completely wrong. I have PS4 and my bro has Xbox X, we play this game in the same room on two separate TV’s and I can vouch %100 that this game was very poorly optimized for the Xbox compared to the PS4. His shit has GAME BREAKING bugs while my experience is mostly poor texture/costume rendering and the occasional quest bug.

That said, I’m not a fan boy, Sony pony, whatever. I’m just putting it out there that I’ve seen hours of side by side game play on Xbox and PS4. Xbox got the shite end of the stick, I hope they fix it at least for my bro’s sake.

EDIT: we’ve been playing since day one, both consoles have suffered the same graphics glitches POST 1.2 patch, the Xbox just has more game breaking bugs on top of the already poorly rendered graphics. Still Loving this game despite all it’s short comings.

:joy: I’ve calmed down. Tbh all I did was state my opinion, can’t be a fan boy when I’m playing this game on my pc, and have a 360 and PS4 and stated Xbox 360 was my preferred platform last gen.

Also there’s no denying it has a beast GPU. It’s just pointless to put it in there. They’ve not even got any decent games coming out. I’m mad at Microsoft if anything for letting it get this shit .

Anyways apologies for not thinking before speaking. Should of just shut up on this one. :wink: Chose the wrong place to voice that opinion m

xbox has some great games coming out.
see how opinons are like arseholes,everyboby has one.

just some are shittier than others :laughing::laughing::laughing:

VERY TRUE :wink:

what games are they ? Crackdown, state of decay which btw I loved on 360, pretty average games though tbh. And can play them on pc.

These games are hardly going to be amazing. I loved fable, wish they brought that back. 360 had shit loads of great exclusives. Now they’ve gone backwards.

like i said opinions.

tell me about these pretty average games that are not out yet?..i mean you’ve played them right?

Seen videos, enough to know they’ll be average at best. State of decay can or will be just good. Not great or amazing. I notice you can not give any other xample of any good games for it ?

Genuinely curious.

What’s the budget got to do with anything? If they had such a small budget and that was to be reflective of the quality of product they put out then they shouldn’t have charged the same as a AAA title because they are nothing more than an indie Dev and after this launch they haven’t even done that well.

AC origins is by far bigger and graphically superior. On launch no bugs or glitches, run perfect from day one for me and looked incredible on the Xbox one X. Kingdom come deliverance cost me more to buy… logic?

I’ve seen your other posts on this forum and I have no interest in talking with you. Sorry.

seen video’s? :laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing:

Sooo basically you can’t take anyone saying anything bad about the game? Or you can’t really defend it because you know what I’m saying is true? Either way I’m fine with it