Xbox - please

Anyone who know something about mods for Xbox to future? I hope so for modes on Xbox like skyrim… When moding never be on Xbox thats a big pitty and sad.
Who want that too? Sorry for my bad english but i think you understood.

The issues when it comes to modding on xbox is kind of an issue for both sides. First off xbox is still consurned about it because it uncontrolled mods could end up causing huge issues on their console. This is the same reason updates take longer to come out on console vs PC. For PC there is really no testing of the update by anyone but the devs, however for console any update must go through a testing process to ensure it doesnt do things like break the console, because if anything does go wrong it is on the console makers head. This means that they arent to keen on the idea of just letting a floud of untested mods onto their system.

But this gors both ways, developers arent to fond of the idea that either a) the console company can blame the developers of the game for any bad mods, or b) the devs have to devise a system that tests and filters mods for console (bethesda took option B, which is why console has less mods than PC.

So unlike with PC both developers and console makers have to come together and work together if tey want aoecific games to have access to mods, which needless to say it a lot of work. In contrast to PC where even the developers dont have to do anything to allow modding, it is just something that will be done, though developers can make it easier for modding to happen (or more difficult if they want to for some reason).

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Thanks :slight_smile: @NickelDime now i know about this :open_mouth: its so amazing how hard it will be get mods to Xbox :confused: hope stay last with us :smiley:

Hopefully as more comoanies work to put mods on console it will become easier. Even for a large company like bethesda it took a while to setup, and still doesnt work perfectly. Hopefully in the future we will be getting mods for thinggs like minecraft (would be easier to do since micrsoft is the dev for that game now, so only a one sided conversation).

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Before even thinking about mods I want them to fix the Xbox version of the game. It’s not unplayable for me but it’s not worth playing either. After that I’d love to see them open it up to mods.