Alpha 0.5: Global illumination (screenshots and discussion about new lighting)

I cannot confirm significant FPS drop.

Hi Guys, Kuba (lead 3D artist) here. The GI is now linked to your graphics settings. On low or medium it’s off and on high or very high it kicks in. There’s a small chance that it’ll be always on in the final game, but we have to see how will it run on consoles. Also it’s still being developed by Crytek so the performance will likely change till the end of the project, so it’s to early to make guesses.


thanks for the info. and about consoles being too weak to run this. it’s cool. just enable it for pc master race.

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I like and dislike it all the same.

There is a softness to everything now that I really like.

But all hours of light now look darker (heavily shadowed) and cinematic. High noon does not look as realistic as it did in previous builds. To summarize this thought everything looks far to cinematic now all the time always looking like the magic hour.

New GI technique SVOTI is much more precise than old GI technique LPV. But the merit is small now. SVOTI can make better image quality, but art direction have much bigger effect. 7/10 basic lighting setup + SVOTI can’t beat 9/10 basic lighting setup without GI. Just need better lighting setup. Not technology.

As I posted on Alpha 0.5 Bug list:

The lack of gloss on a lot of vegetation makes many trees look much darker than before. There are also some new grass models that look kinda flat and cheesy.I do not think this is because of GI, since many other trees do not have the problem (apple trees and bushes, for instance, look as good as they used to). So this general darkness might not be solely because of GI.


I missed that thanks for making it clear.

So far the new lighting system pleases my eye.
The forest particularly looks very familiar. It reminds me my trips in summer through forests on my mountain bike. It really has got that much contrast in reality. Depending on the hour of the day of course and the weather.

I have tried an Alpha 0.5 version (after crysystem.dll bug fix) and the lighting is totally flat. It seems that there are minimum of shadow. If I look on new screenshots from other players they looks beautiful. In my case it looks like the sun is shining 100x than normal :slight_smile: Even the dark interiors are very bright. Can I enable the new lighting feature somewhere?

I have a GeForce GTX 760. Can be the issue?

@Woody, @Knedlo and @Hound this maybe interesting to you.

@jakub.topol can you make a dxdiag file and uplad it to the forum?

Strange… i have GTX760 (driver 358.91) too but without the missing light.
Maybe a driver problem or the GTX760 from Jakub.topol comes with an low-mid GPU.

the 1st game I played that use the basic implementation of real time GI was stalker not crysis; even then the feature must be manually enabled via console command in stalker and it made quite significant difference especially indoors, for the 1st time ever when you lit a flashlight in a dark room you weren’t only able to look stuffs at directly where the flashlight pointed at but the surrounding environments were also lit dimly, it was such a technological marvel back then because even the original crysis didn’t have it

and as shocking as it may be, I can’t remember actually seen any games that implemented such feature today, heck there isn’t actually many games that implement real time dynamic lighting with real time time of day system.

additional note
the GI in stalker IIRC cut my frame rates more half with at that time radeon x1900xtx, and disappointingly the feature actually removed from stalker sequels lol…

We have many GTX760 GPUswith no issue whatsoever. Are there any shadows in the game? Do you have any other games with shadows issues? What about CryEngine based games (Crysis 1, 2, 3, Ryse)?

Levely well done :slight_smile: can’t wait to test it out again. I may have missed it but where can we test the new features they are talking about ? Everytime i login it is just the same town and no one seems to talk to me to do things like bow or what not.

Sorry for late answer, I have been on vacation :slight_smile: I have fixed that issue with the shadows by installing the newest drivers :slight_smile:

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One thing that bothers me about the lighting in KC:D (and similar 1st person games) in general is that it does not simulate human eyesight. Just watching yesterday’s livestream, it was glaring obvious again, e.g. when entering the house to loot some equipment from a chest. Outside, it was bright daylight, and naturally the interior was much darker. However, human eyes will adjust to the darkness fairly quickly, but in the game the interior lighting remained the same level no matter how long it took the guy to open the chest. The same effect can be seen when entering a forest. It’s darker than under open sky (naturally) initially, but there is no change to the level of illumitation that would account for the eyes adapting to the darker environment.

To me, it often feels that game graphics strive for visuals that you may find in a movie, which is okay for 3rd person or isometric games, but it seems out of place in a 1st person perspective, espeicially when the developers otherwise go to great lengths to show everything as seen through the eyes of the player character.

The other thing is contrast, although I think that may not be as big an issue with KC:D. But I’ve recently been playing Witcher 2 and the mixture of bright and dark spots in forest areas really messes up my vision.

it might have not benn visible in the live stream but there is an light adjustmen when entering buildings.
Not sure about the forest though.

Yes light adjustmen is there. It’s not very noticeable but that is realistic you don’t really notice it in real life.

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Hm … I see. I guess I’ll have to wait until I can try for myself ingame (Linux, only, so not able to run the Alpha).

Just from looking at the 2nd image, I’d still say the interior is pitch-black. What I’d love to see (and I’d believe that would be realistic) is a 3rd picture with the same scene as the 2nd, just 10 seconds later, with more details visible.

It may appear darker on the screenshot, in game you can see indoors just fine.
Problem is that if it would by brighter windows would be overxposed almost white and that would look more like movie.