I don’t want to start flame wars all over again, but 3RD person view sucks for KC:Deliverance. It was marketed and developed as a Hardcore Realistic Medieval First Person PC Game.
Everything beyond that point should be strictly optional and budget defined and cut off as soon as more important (basic; promised) features are in question.
On the other hand, I like the one button blocking, but I will also enjoy if there is an addtional option for us hardcore PC gamers to use a more sophisticated system like in Chivalry or Warband. In the end of the day, I will use whatever system devs put in and be thankful for the game, if gameplay feels right. The topic has already been thoroughtly discussed here: Why no directional blocking?
So, in real life you get what you pay for. My only hope is exactly this - to get what I paid for here. No more, no less than what @warhorse initially promised us: deep, hardcore, first person realistic medieval game. The rest is just details which Warhorse know better than us.