Big thanks to community for destroying game

And ARMORS become USELESS in first persion because you wont see what do you wear.

Are you se… wh… okay, wait, what?


You do know what word Useless means right? As in, you know… No good to use? Soo let me get this straight, because this game wont have 3rd person mode, the full plate armour or some rags will have the same effect? GOD DAMN! @warhorse @TobiTobsen please make 3rd person, otherwise armours will be useless…

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:smiley: it’s all about the style! :slight_smile: #swag #justwokeup #sexy #idontknowallthesecoolhashtagswhicharemodernandsooooohipsterbecauseiwascoolbeforeyouevenknewhowtospellit (… B!tch - would Jesse Pinkman add)


I prefer you not to call any names!
“Retarded” people (as you said) actually have problems with first person, because it is way too immersive for them to comprehend…

As for the armor and clothing, it is a designer’s solution whether you’ll be able to see your body and arms in first person or not. I can count many games which allow the player to see his body in FP (like Deliverance) and a lot which doesn’t (like Deus Ex HR). You can’t simply generalize like that. And besides, do you have to constantly SEE your clothes to be aware of what you wear?! This is ridiculous… maybe a little 3D inventory screen working like a mirror would be enough to suit your tastes, I can get that, but not what you stated above.

And I pointed Chivalry because it has a very interesting system of one button block which is also manual, because you have to click and time the opponent’s weapon in order to be succesfull. If you have read the other topic Why no directional blocking? you would’ve knew what I meant exactly.

And let’s keep the discussion positive and constructive, shall we? No one helps the devs by insulting them and/or other forum members. This place is to help them make Deliverance better.


This topic is one of those that reminds me of this: “Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the former.
Albert Einstein”


I read the stupid title and comment , noticed no badge . i have only one reply


If you smeeeeeeelllllll, what the Rock is cooking :smile:

I cant comment without badge?
I am not rich to buy single player games.

Yes you can, but you need to understand that if any more words come pouring out of your cunt mouth, ill have to report every single one of your comments in this post.


do it virtual hero :smile:

for developers : This game looks very good, keep up good work but dont ruin this game because 20 % of community is anti 3rd person. And dont make simple hack and slash combat system.
This game deserves good combat system!

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It is going to be a good combat system, but you are too ignorant to see it because its not your way.

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I am not rich to buy single player games.

Alright, I’m genuinely sorry to hear that. BUT, if you don’t buy this game anyways, then why is it your concern how the game will turn out?
…you don’t imply that you’ll torrent it, right?

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because I want to play good game. and there are also other ways not just torrent. for example steam share

You want your opinions to be heard and matter but your unwilling to help support the game?

Most of the people who have pledged for this game pledged for the description given below.

Did you do any research at all?

Educate yourself before posting please its disrespectful to WarHorse and those of us who care enough to donate our time and money to make this the best game it possibly can be.


That response makes little to no sense.

Formulate your ideas into a coherent response and try again please.

BTW, name calling is against forum rules.


Really what is this thread about?


wait so you’re rich enough to buy multiplayer games ? im intrigued

and if its true that you cant afford this game then your opinion is completely invalid as you will never play the game anyway , so why dont you instead of moaning about a game that you’re never going to play go outside and find yourself a better job .

have a great evening


I will play this.
But multiplayer games you cant play if you dont buy them.

You can get the game for 15 dollars so couldn’t you ask mommy and daddy for some money to buy it? Maybe if you had a badge people would take your bitching more seriously.