is there any chance of adding a system of macroeconomics in the game?
Possession of the land, your home, or castle?
Adding farm buildings, employees, etc…
A sort of county management?
is there any chance of adding a system of macroeconomics in the game?
Possession of the land, your home, or castle?
Adding farm buildings, employees, etc…
A sort of county management?
As much as I would like to see something like that, I don’t think it’s going to happen. You have to keep in mind that they’re going for a true-to-period experience. You aren’t a prince, you’re a blacksmith’s son. During that time, you couldn’t own land unless you were knighted, and given the land by your ruler.
I think it could be possible, even for a blacksmiths son. I mean a castle would be to large to buy or to get in anyway i think cause of the realism of the game but a normal house or farm i would say can be possible.
@Navanafti, you are very correct on certain people only able to own land during this time period. I do have to counter though and ask what would happen if throughout the stories progression, the player became a noble or was knighted? Then we as the player would be able to purchase and trade land.
I agree that there should be small properties that players could own (to relax & heal wounds) but the same could happen at an inn to recover.
Exactly @jhustead, early in the game, to heal you will need to go to an inn or tavern; but later on in the game the player will be able to stroll back to his humble abode and relax until his wounds mysteriously disappear within the night!
No, and I’m glad about that personally.
Owning a house, later castle or town maybe /Monterrigioni style/ should be just the start. Marrying a princess, and raising your own children, now that would be a perfect game! Just imagine that! Exactly this social dimension is what makes any game much better! Just like Fable, Crusader Kings and some other masterpieces…
I’m sorry to inform you, but it was stated like gazillion times, no fantasy things, keep it real. You can’t possibly obtain a castle or whole a town if you are just a mere blacksmith! It’s not possible.
well, if you get knighted and get a plot of land or a keep from your overlord you could.
Of course, but the chance of that is low, we’ll see it how all unravels.
Jesus, have MMOs really brought us that far??? Go play The Sims, guys…
I would like to buy a Castle, I am a Baron backer afterall
I can see this being possible if you get Knighted by the King as a reward for saving him and stopping the bloody conflict. If we are lucky, we might even end up with his daugter and half of the kingdom, like in an Adventure ^^ (Don’t yell at me for saying that.)
But in my opinion this should only be possible in Act 2 or 3. Imagine getting knighted in Act 1, rebuilding your defences to protect your Castle in Act 2, and finally in Act 3 you have got to defend it.
Though it will probably never happen :b
It would be cool to own your own house but unless in the story you are knighted or made nobility it should only be a house or farm.
I trully hope that we dont get any castles, farm etc to ruin a game. Also there is a thing that not all knights had a castle since most of em served someone more powerfull. But i would be okay if in story you would be ordered to handle maters of some castle for king or some lord for a short while, like hiring workers to fix a wall, making sure nearby village pay its taxes.
A poor blacksmith’s son who becomes a knight or even better??? That sounds more like a farytale. I hope they have a better story for us. I don’t mind to be just a lower class guy.
It is also possible that you serve as the weapons master of a village or manor and the owner is off commanding or serving in the army of the king(or rebels) and you are left leading the village until his return.
hard to tell, actually. i would prefer to simply being able to be a man at arms, a retinue to a knight. though a commoner becoming a knight isn’t unheard of, especially in times of distress or war.
realy nice idea maybe they make special game mode in some expansion pack for multi when 2 temas(clans) play together to defend and attack builded castle
soo much fun.
clan build castle and defense system… and defend land and castle, great!
I would like to talk about realism, why is owning a castle or building a business as well as fighting in battles not allowed, this is a game after all it does need to have a little leeway in terms of realism, otherwise half of all players should contract dysentery and not be allowed to play after they die, this game has to be fun for more than the historians, if we want the game to be very successful, allowing the player to do more than one thing should be possible also building a castle and being a blacksmith would allow people to see the medieval period from all cross sections of society in that time. Historically this is even more interesting and while I agree magic and dragons should be left out in the original game why not be allowed to get involved in all sorts of things?