Real 24 hour clock or..?

That game play would suck you would be in bed all the time!

Me too this would be a cool options, cause i can only play after work and weekends. So real team although very cool and interesting, would conflict with me alot. but a slider to adjust the time would be nice to experiment with.

I think (or at least that is how I understand it) he meant a slider that would change the pace of time. Forget about the sync with real (or rather computer clock) time, that was probably not suggested by anyone. By realtime, people meant real pace of time. It would surely be boring. Then again, in some games the pace is too quick. For example, in Witcher 2, close to the beginning you are infiltrating one house stealthily. But if you start at say 3 am, which is still 2-3 hours before sunrise even during Summer, you will end up sneaking in broad daylight (the game does not respond to that, but it feels silly) because the tempo is just too fast. So a slider which would allow you to choose and change the pace of time (from let’s say 1 minute realtime = 30 minutes gametime to 1 minute real time = 1 minute game time) would be great. Plus an option to “wait x hours”.

I think in quests like your example from Witcher 2, the daytime can stand still or goes slowly. I didn’t end up like sneaking in daylight (as long as i remember).

At the last part of the livestream it took about a quarter of an hour from noon to sunset -> so probably 1 day in-game is 1 hour in real-time. And as you will be able to sleep, i’m sure you can easily skip several ingame hours (like in Far Cry or the meditation in The Witcher). So you won’t need a stupid slider.

I honestly would prefer an in-game clock that was longer than a half day in the game is one hour in real life. Sometimes those feel like they pass too quickly. However, a real clock is just too much, and gets grating sometimes.
Just an extra hour or two towards the in-game clock would be preferable for me.

Dan Vávra said in some Czech interwiev that day will last 1,5 hours and you need to sleep at least once per 2 days.

A lot of recent games with day/night cycles seem to go with 1 in game minute per 2 real life seconds (48 minutes per day). I imagine this will be similar.

While a real-time game would be pretty cool on one hand, as someone pointed out above you have the problem of it taking ages for a quest start time or shop opening time to roll around.

I think that’s too fast.

I’m for 1:12!

5 min real time = 1 hour in game.

This would be more reasonable, I think.
Nights wouldn’t be over in about 15 min (in 48 min cycle).
So you have more time to get things done while it’s dark. :sunglasses:

1 night = ca. 8 hours -> 40 min real time

Not too long, not too short.
Overall day time would be 2 hours (120 min) real time.


Yeh, I’d like to have that option (i.e.) slider as well, would be super awesome.

I would like time to be slow enough so that you cannot see the sun’s shadow moving across the ground at a rate that is obviously very fake. It really bugs me in other games like The Witcher.

Yeah, would definitely want a 1 hour equals 24 hour clock, 24 hours will honestly suck.

In Skyrim, the gametime factor was a global variable, you could set using the console. That would be fine with me. By default it was set to 24x realtime. I think it depends a lot on player style. I personally prefer 8x realtime, but I like to walk from place to place, instead of running.

The problem is that everything is kind of compressed in games, so players don’t have to spend ridiculous amounts of time on swordtraining, travel, eating and so on. With a 24hr gameday, it would feel like no time passes, and considering the estimated time it takes to complete act 1, you would have saved the world in a day.

IMHO Devs should make a option time slider, so everybody will be able to choose a in-game time frame that suit him.

Personally, I prefer the complete day/night cycle to be around 3 real time hours, but time advances to occur only when playing (not like in a MMO).
To proper reflect the Central European time (where the in-game action occurs) - in summer time the days are a lot longer than the nights. From what I’ve seen in videos so far the in-game action takes place in late spring or summer, so it will be proper if Devs indeed make the day longer than night. For example - 3 real life hours cycle, 1:45 day and 1:15 night.

IMHO they shouldn’t. They will balance game day/nigh, need of sleep and time to do things player can do to make sense and be as difficult as they want to. And as I said. For now its going to be 1,5 hours = day and you need to sleep at least once per 2 days. Otherwise you get negative effects (which can be influenced by alcohol and some potions).

My best guess: game time may - on a grand scale, generally speaking - not pass at a universally constant, linear pace, so there may not be a single constant or adjustable compression factor by which to multiply real time passing to get the equivalent in game time passing. Nor may there, as a consequence, be strict time-of-day synchronization. This is not 24, folks. :wink: Tedious, repetitive and uneventful activities without mandatory player interaction like sleeping, eating, healing/regaining health after having been wounded/exhausted, fast travel between map points visited before may be compressed by a much greater factor (say 48x to 12x) than interactive, first-time activities like quest-related travel, fighting, hunting, some mini game activities which may pass considerably slower, in a time frame much closer to real time (say 8x to 1x). There might even be time-less activities or states, during which no game time passes at all, for example while studying your inventory, within setup menus or while a -pause mode- has been activated.
Just my 2c.

Real life wouldn’t really sync up with the game. Its not like you play for a whole 24hrs. Unless there is a real time zone sync but even that would have problems like if you played only at night and it would only be night in your game

yeah, it’s strange. people here never heard of day night cycle in games?

It even seems that some people haven’t played any games yet. Otherwise they won’t suggest game-time to be synchronous to real-time.

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There are actually games that are synchronous to real-time. The one I can immediately think of is the newer pokemon games. There is an internal clock in the handheld DS that when you set the time of day the game counts and cycles through morning, evening, night, etc at the same pace as real-time. You could always change the game clock to set a different time but originally it is synched to real-time.

This is obviously just an example that isn’t really related to the game of KC but some posters are acting incredulous at the notion that games are synched to real-time when in fact some are.