What do you want to see in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

I want a rewarding game experience even if I decide to play like an evil S.O.B. I completely understand if that isn’t the vision of this game, and I will still play it and enjoy it, but what I really want is a game that doesn’t penalize me for wanting to roleplay a terrible person.

I personally hope they don’t go too far down the road as GoT, but I’m doubting it’ll be anything like it at all. While I love the books/series, it gets a bit overdone sometimes in portraying what a dark setting it is.

A lot of what’s already been said sounds fantastic (what I’ve seen from the game so far included). I myself have always really enjoyed being challenged, like to the point of crying out for the love of god haha within moderation though obviously. I mean, things that are difficult stay difficult and vice versa…
I know this sounds really petty but I have always wanted a realistic inventory system. I hated playing oblivion and scrolling through, and finding I had 100 odd items in my imaginary back pack. I think if you want to take stuff with you it has to be stuff you need. A sword goes in a sheath/scabbard obviously but things like provision and sleeping stuff you’d need a bag and probably a horse to help you carry it. And I want it to be visible, if you want to get something you have to remember which bag you put it in and then get that from the bag. It would make things like surprise attacks way harder to get out of.
So yeah I know it’s a long shot, and that achieving that level of detail involves a lot of hard work but it would make this game stand out so much. Death to mindless button pressing for instant gratification! These things should be planned out.
So excited for this game :smiley: wish I could’ve gotten myself Baron status for the alpha testing… cheeeers

Really love the whole thing about people not caring about you. Player shouldn’t be made to feel special, they should have to earn all the friends they make therefore making them think twice about sacrificing them. Man the list just goes on and on hahaha :slight_smile:

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Lots of side quests!

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  • realistic portrayal of weather and seasons:

  • e.g. winter (snow-covered landscape while it snows/while it doesn’t snow; footprints etc.)

  • thick fog

  • rain

  • minimal HUD/maximum immersion:

  • e.g. the character is holding the map in his hands (like in Far Cry 2)

  • less numbers, a more natural system to compare weapons/items/skills (it’s a game not a maths lesson); maybe via speech or animations or a combination of both

  • head bob, people who don’t like it can turn it off in the options;
    also a slider (like in Painkiller) for the aggressiveness of the bobbing

  • key for toggling HUD on/off completely on the fly (not just good for immersion but also for making screenshots)

  • high replay value through randomization of little aspects; while taking the same approach (e.g. stealth) in a quest it shouldn’t always happen the exact same thing. Just little variations, not too randomized, though. maybe each NPC has a character profile of his/her own so there’s a repertoire of decisions useful for the current situation from which the NPC can choose randomly

  • quest tasks should relate to the skill its improving:
    want to improve you sword skills? go do something fencing related
    (in video update 4 it sounded as if you just have to do some random quest and get better at fighting)

  • ‘look at weapon’-button:
    like in CS:GO, so one can examine the weapon/item closely;
    maybe even hold that button and rotate the weapon/item with mouse movement

  • blue prints for crafting (similar to Dead Island):
    player can find or purchase blue prints or get them via missions/quests; perhaps some blue prints just offer a refined crafting ‘recipe’, means the resulting weapon is slightly better than it would be without the refinement

  • sword/weapon engravings:
    the player can enter some text (around 10 letters for example) and afterwards the game creates a texture of that text using some fraktur or blackletter font; the texture can then be put in predetermined place(s) on the weapon; of course this should be a very subtle feature

  • random incidents/quests which are really fleshed out not just some clones of each other

[quote=“leechina, post:57, topic:74”]
3) Horse management system. Horse controls - more complex than “press W to ride”. I would like to see a system based on real rider’s actions with separate controls for legs (schen-kel, shank and ankle) and for hands (reins), so it would be interesting galloping for long distances, with a chance to be dismounted both in battle and out of battle (catch a tree branch with own head or a consequence of horse’s fear)[/quote]
So, when you’re attacking from horse back you have to press 20 buttons at once.
I like a challenge but that would be unplayable!


The #1 thing I’d want that’s not yet mentioned in 159 posts? A retirement plan. No, seriously, I want the developers to think about where the game will be when it’s on Kingdom Come #12. Everything you guys are doing is perfect, brilliant. But what about sustainability and continuity? What if you decide to expand that western edge of the map next time? Did you leave a hidden path to take us there? What if you go back two years earlier in the storyline in a later game? Did today’s characters have enough dark or deep secrects in the first game to give you something to explore in their past? What if that tortured soul NPC who makes everyone’s life miserable goes on a path of redemption through several games? Did you write just enough sensitivity in at the beginning to make the transformation believable?
This entire world is designed to be open, free and grounded in reality. I think the world of future games should be the same. But that only happens if you bury the seeds of those stories now. Otherwise, several games down the road, you will reach the “boundaries of the map” and like some over-the-hill once-famous band playing covers of its own songs, you’ll have to rehash some tired, earlier plots and pace in your cage. I’ve seen that happen to a lot of games. It’s that or jump the shark. And in this world, you can’t just whip out some magic pixie dust or space aliens or intergalactic cowboys to inject new life. You’ve got to work at it.
So most of all, I’d like there to be things in the game that we don’t know, don’t see, can’t fathom. But there should also be the subliminal plant (Joss Whedon was a master at that), seemingly unimportant words or happenings that float on the edges of our minds, so when you awaken the idea fullblown in a later game, we feel somehow as though it’s already familiar.

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Has anyone’s wishes of what they want to see in this game been granted yet? :smile:

What would make the game great:

  1. A world that has a sense of mystique, mysticism, and danger. Having robbers, thieves, bandits, witches, occultist groups, a group like the dark brotherhood, murderers, serial killers, quest lines with threads of a world with beliefs rooted in superstition woven throughout, invading armies, etc would all contribute to this end. Having animals/creatures would also add to this: animals like bears and wolves, and especially a creature like the Beast of Gévaudan. It would be cool to venture out at night when the world turns into a dangerous place (like Dragon’s Dogma). It would be cool to stumble upon an occultist group that’s in the middle of a pagan sacrificial ceremony - the members in hooded robes surrounding a fire, chanting to the cue of their high priest who is ready to sacrifice something or somebody. And to have the option to be a member of this group, or to stop them!

  2. Gore and the ability to sever limbs (arms, legs, and head). Torture devices: the ability to kidnap enemies and torture them for needed information or to use them as a pawn to accomplish objectives.

  3. Discoverable Items: Treasures and other items (weapons, armor, etc) that can be found.

  4. Caves and dungeons to explore.

  5. Dynamic Seasons: Fall, winter, spring, summer

  6. Greater populated cities/towns than what we have seen so far. (I do realize the game is in pre-alpha form.)

  7. Frequent battles, castle sieges, and combat; and the option to replay each battle.

  8. Possibility to swim.

  9. Having covert missions/quests that require stealth (stealing money or items, assassinations, poisoning someone for a greater purpose, etc

  10. The capability to raise up an army for the purpose of defeating the king’s army and overtake the throne. It would be great to have different factions similar to the Stormcloaks and Imperial Army in Skyrim, where you can join either side or play both sides to further your interests.

  11. The possibility of wearing different disguises, and having those disguises actually make a difference. For example, the ability to dress as a priest and thereby quickly gain the trust of others or gain access to nobility in order to assassinate them.

  12. Projectiles: I absolutely love to launch/shoot things. Catapults, bows, crossbows, daggers, lassos, grappling hooks, guns (if possible), etc.

This is a question of interface. For example keyboard for movement control, mouse for combat. You should agree - mounted combat in M&B isnt that complicated. And - yes - I would be happy if it were a bit more complex. And would work nice in addition to declared horse intellect.
Yet, whatever you say, riding is an art (or skill at least), being mounted must be very beneficial for a rider, but also demand more. IMHO.
As for me - I really want to see a playable simulation of mounted combat, but I realize that it isnt neccessary for mass RPG. Anyway, Red Dead Redemtion must the bottom bracket for any serious, modern and hardcore game with riding.

And one more thing I want to see:

Difficulty settings for combat (separated from other settings), including “normal” settings as for general RP-gamers, “hard” and even “realistic” with lethal stabs and so on for those from action-RPGs like M&B.

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I hope we get some Mod Support for Community.

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Nameable horses, custom capes and blankets

Judicial duels seems to be to be an interesting idea as an consequence for wrong doings. Though one could argue it would just allow you do fight your way out of any crime, but that would only be so if its implemented in a shallow manner.

Hmm it does occur that I do not actually know if Bohemia at the time had such a thing - have a tendency to generalize all medieval history with the parts I familiar with.

Big breasted tavern wenches you can slap on the arse.


I hope to see more than the choice system in dialogue the developers have mentioned. It’s my hope that the story will be dynamic with a few points of decision that will effect which quest tree opens up in the future and also that influences the ultimate end of the game. I’m thinking of something similar to Witcher 2 where chunks of the game interaction change later on and the endgame is tailored to the choices you made. With three acts to work with this could lead to something very dynamic with massive replayability.

It doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Put one major choice in each act for the overreaching arc. Also set up one or two minor choices that effect the end of each particular act. By minor choices I mean resulting in some dialogue about what happened to an ally or a particular village.

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The in game systems to be built towards full immersion. For example, fast travel would be riding on a wagon or horse, but on auto-pilot to your destination. Possibly with a configurable chance for bandit attack in-route.

Player-built player home. I don’t mean the player has to go through the trouble of building basically a pre-designed home, I talking about a simple set of tools that will let us create a layout/ floor plan, and then we must gather or purchase the materials and build our home.Also, have a selection of plots the player can purchase, across a few towns, to choose the location of his/her home from.

Most importantly. Please please please release an excellent set of modders’ tools. The force is strong in the modding community. Give us what we need to make this game tailor-able to every individual, and we will keep your game alive and re-playable for years.


Every now and then I think it would be cool to see some enemies surrender half way through duels/battles or even be intimidated that they throw down their weapon and not fight at all. And I don’t mean in scripted scenes either.
I think it would add to the idea of dynamic combat…
So the game isnt just about killing everything everything in sight.

I know the game wont have a morale system - I think? but that doesn’t mean there cant be morale choices… you could kill them on the spot for some looting, or take them prisoner and hand them in for a reward, or just let them go
I dunno I havent thought everything through, its just an Idea :stuck_out_tongue:


I’d like the option to upgrade the army you will be fighting with/for, eg, funding their training,discovering techniques and battle formations in books etc and by upgrading their armour and weapons aswell as siege weapons.

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That i want to see is that we can Kill someone in the game, and in the middle of the night i plant the body in another house or if you planted evidence or something with someone else. and then someone else gets hanged or get to prison because of what you did :smile:

I'm really hoping that the game has great dialog and snarkyness.   I've noticed that a lot of the games I've played of late have character interaction at just a basic level.   My favorite dialogs come from Witcher and Dragon Age.   Their characters had personality and I have great hopes that the characters in this game will have great personalities as well!
