A Needle in a Haystack - Take back your things - Failed Bug

After agreeing to help Pious to escape, I get a cut scene when we leave the monastery and then I have an failed task to “Take back your things.” but I never got the task in the first place and either before are after escaping, all my stuff will have an icon refeering to the fact that it tis stolen… please help me out. I tried other solutions, like killing him but I have the same problem.


:grinning:Known Bugs And Reporting new ones:grinning:2

I have the same issue can you tell me where you found the chest with your items in them i cant even find mine

This is first big bug i found in this game. Its unplayable for me from this point. I didnt want to steal my gear!

If anyone reads this, stealing your own stuff is the least of your worries, the stolen tags goes away after a while.

The bigger issue is that sometimes your items don’t show up at all.

If you wish to save your items in case you wish to do the non lethal ending to this quest save your inventory you care for on your horse, that doesn’t get emptied into the chest.

10k groshen + close to all the good end game gear… All gone for me.
Luckily I had some spare crap on the horse that I can put on and make use of right away.

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I just stole my items from that chest, but all items that you can wear had stolen icon forever. I sold them to Pešek and bought new ones in Rattay.

Had the same bug, although I had previously stashed everything I could in a chest in the inn, then mid quesst escaped and took it. And also took my stuff from the same chest. So… after giving Antonio to the Bailif, I noticed that the monastery quesst is still on. So I went back, punched a monk, and was able to get it.
So check if the monastery quest (in the cloister or sth) isn’t still on.

I’m currently in the process of finishing monastery quest and heard about this problem and got worried enough to do some googling.
According to someone in another forum, this actually isn’t a bug.
The explanation being that once you enter the monastery, you give up all your belongings to them, thus they no longer being officially yours.
This makes sense, especially if you think about the fact that that stuff belongs to Henry and you enter the monastery as some spoiled brat called Erik!
Of course I’m hoping not to have my stuff disapear too!

Just finished quest. I didn’t do the option of killing pious but rather chose the speech option of taking him to the bailiff. Pious of course resists and you have to beat him up.
After you presumably win the fight, you get the cut seen where you’re in the Rattay jail with the bailiff and the bailiff commends you in a good job and says , wait here, I’ll get your things.
Well, I went to my room in rattay after waiting around like a dummy at the jail, and my things were all there with no stolen marker.
I guess, that’s the real objective, to take pious alive. That’s what Ratzig wantedd, isn’t it?
If you kill Pious, you literally leave the monastery as Erik and of course, Erik trying to retrieve Henry’s stuff is theft!

Sorry for your loss. Thankfully I’ve been spared that particular brand of misrey thanks to the genius of the Unlimited Saves mod.

If logical rationale ever existed against the poor design decision a dev could take in coding a save game system --for an open world RPG this scale–this would epitomize it. You think it would’ve dawned on at least one person on the team that KCD’s game mechanics isn’t exactly Dark Souls :roll_eyes:

Can anyone tell me where the chest is please? I killed the guy and left and there’s no quest marker to get my stuff back! Patch is 1.5

did you try the little room near the monastery entrance where the monk first told you to go?
Next run thru store your things at the Sassau Inn by buying a perma bed amd go start the mission in your cheapest civilian clothes.

Oh yea cheers

No, no. Do you mean your stuff?
It’s all back in the regular chests found in all your homes.
If you decide to arrest Pious, you should find it all with no stolen mark after cut scene at Rattay jail.
If you killed Pious, I think your stuff will be taged stolen.

I took it to mean what he had on his Henry when he started the mission

Well your both wrong. I killed the guy, hid his body in a corner, then left the monastery and my stuff was in the chest next to monastery entrance and it’s not showing as stolen ! Lol

ok, Kirksty, good for you.
I only said that stuff will show up in your inventory as stolen because others have had this issue and I assumed that that must be the reasoning.
I did the quest twice and it’s never happened to me either, so there.lol

Your lost items will be in miller peseks chest thats what happened to me after i did this quest after quitting for a long time

Okay I found my gear right. But it is only bits and pieces. I found no armor but did find clothing weapons and other items

Anyone know to fix this??