A question for the resident Germans - what is this?

I’m German. Germany is a stronghold of political correctness. Basically the whole press is liberal. I’m not aware of any press that isn’t. They can be really nasty if you’re not “politically correct”.


The people just need to understand each other, then won’t be problems like that. But we’ve a long way to get to this point. Maybe a few couple of centuries(If we won’t kill each other till this moment). :grinning: When i was 13, i thought, that the world will be progressing and we’ve a united community, but now i’m 18 and everything seems almost dead, ha-ha.

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I wouldn’t call Axel Springer media liberal. So Die Welt + Bild.

Although a huge part of the german press is indeed regressive-left type liberal. Especially Süddeutsche or TAZ and unfortunately state owned media like ARD and the rest. Just look at #KIKAGATE, we’ve reached new levels of insanity in Germany.

He did, unfortunatelly. :cry:

Do you have a quote?

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I am rather surprised if somebody nower days knows or ask himself if there is a difference between politically correct and the simple word correct and where did it come from?
In my opinion correct is a synonym of true so politically correct must be something different. And how much do eachone of us trusts a politician to tell the truth?
I bet if more people would ask themselves more often such questions the usage of political correctness would be noticeable lesser in society.


I’m a bit worried to be honest. From my impression Warhorse Studios is open and tolerant. The same goes for Daniel Vavra of course. But I know how nasty and dishonest the German press can be nowadays. I hope that they don’t cause any bad reputation to the game or the studio.
Maybe we can help the studio a bit by correcting wrong statements in articles in the comments below them. Or via twitter & facebook.


Leave and never come back.
There is being liberal, open-minded and accepting of different peoples. Then there’s deliberately shoe-horning in diversity where it does not belong (an historically-accurate European medieval game) in order to pander to simpletons and virtue signal political ideology. In all instances, without exception, the latter leads to a reduction in quality of the product. You are no longer seeking to create a great work of art, but rather attempting to posture yourself as morally virtuous vis-a-vis a ridiculous strain of leftism.


I politely invite every one of them connected to the article to my flat, because I can make a tour around Sázava and they can count, how many people of colour they see. You already know the answer.

Who owns the interpretation sovereignty for “RIGHT”?
Read Orwell and feel the quicksand under your feet …

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representing modern society

Bohemia 1403

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Oh my god. Is has happened. He apologized.
‘Entschuldigung von Vávra
“Ich entschuldige mich für meinen Mangel an Sorgfalt und meine Gedankenlosigkeit in meiner persönlichen Kommunikation, der in der Vergangenheit zu Missverständnissen geführt hat. Sollte ich damit Gefühle verletzt oder den Eindruck erweckt haben, eine wie auch immer geartete Ideologie zu propagieren, bitte ich dafür um Verzeihung”, sagte er außerdem.’
'Apology from Vávra
“I apologize for my lack of care and thoughtlessness in my personal communication, which has led to misunderstandings in the past, and should I have offended feelings or give the impression of propagating some kind of ideology, I ask you to excuse me.”

I think it’s deplorable that you describe sticking up for the least able in society and championing for them to be correctly represented in today’s society as shoe horning .

Homophobia is rife in today’s society and steps need to be taken for it to be normalised as it should be considering it’s natrual feeling for any human being .

How dare anyone deny them their birth right to love .

Orwell is a bigot nothing more

Who said that he believed in his words? It’s just to be polite and not to get more attention to it. Better to lie to them and they would forget, than to keep it like that. :smirk:

It’s upside down. I can’t wrap my head around it. He shouldn’t need to apologize. He didn’t do anything wrong. If anything, the ‘journalist’ who accused him of racism should be the one to apologize. What the hell!
I’m really pissed that those SJWs can literally pressure people into apologizing for not doing anything wrong.


And so he should apologise ! His comments were highly offensive

I can see the idea behind it. But I think it doesn’t work. If you apologize you ADMIT that you’ve done something wrong. He didn’t!
So why would he have to apologize?

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Flarius, remember.

It’s tactic. To let them forget about him and etc. Release is close. He did right thing to apologize to let them think, that he regret about his words(But, yeah, he said some thing a bit too much), but he haven’t changed his mind and it’s good.