About upcoming patch 1.3

I know that many players on ps4 mostly feels the same way as i do about the lock-pick mini-game. It is suppose to be fixed in this next patch, and i hope so because its going straight into a ps4 refund. Why??

A few would say: ¨don’t steal or practice. It’s a realistic game and so practice until you get it.
…seriously,if i wanted to practice lock-pick realistically i would do it in real life instead of a video-game. Who the hell would buy a 80$ video-game to practice this? Making it difficult its a thing but at this level, it’s just stupid. i got myself 3 lucky shot over 56 attempts and still i dint find a way to do it easily so my girlfriend could do it herself. It’s gotta be enjoyable you know? Make it more hard for hard-locks even with skills and A LOT more easy at the beginning would just make it enjoyable as a video-game. Not as a medieval lock-pick realistic game.

Hope this help the devs. towards the next patch expectation. So far it is a amazing with a great story AND graphics.
Just don’t leave the lock-pick the way it is right now. It’s a SINGLEplayer video-game that needs to be enjoyable for every SINGLE one of us.
Thanks for reading and please forget my poor English grammar.

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Just fix game load failed


Who the hell would buy a 80$ video-game to practice this?

The video game is $50, what else you buy with it has nothing to do with lock-picking in the game.
And anyone who knows what sort of game it is and likes what it’s supposed to be will like that lock-picking isn’t as easy as in some other games. It’s a hardcore immersive game, and the lock-picking is immersive too, if you don’t like that then it’s just not the right game for you and you should’ve known that before buying it.

But evidently there’s a whole load of casuals like yourself who’ve whined about it and 1.3 will sadly make lock-picking easier for controllers.


It’s a mess on controller man, I use an xbox controller on a PC hooked up to a nice big screen for most games - and I had to pull out the mouse and keyboard just for lockpicking.

With the mouse and keyboard? Excellent, very hard at first but with character advancement and personal skill eventually you can become a badass: that’s where it should be. The console controller is just a slog that you need to rely on later level perks to be able to get through, not great.

With a mouse and keyboard my complaint would actually be that hard locks aren’t hard enough, and that the artificial barrier to opening very hard locks needs to be removed and the actual difficulty to pick them increased dramatically. Now that would be a decent challenge!

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Like it was said before, not everything is for everyone. Don’t like it? Then do not buy it. Go for a refund and have fun with more simple and easy to master games. There are plenty of people who enjoy all of the mechanics in the game. I will gladly pay another 50 bucks to warhorse to cover for your refund :slight_smile:

I’m really against dumbing the game down for casual players. The game is already too easy.


I just hope they focus more on quest and various bug fixes. Lockpicking is fine. Pickpocketing is fine. Save system is fine. Although, yes, they are adding a save and quit, but that’s still not going to stop me from carrying a few Savior Schnapps on hand. Lockpicking was a pain at first. Player skill combined with a low Player Character skill. With time and practice,both go up. Same with, fighting, and alchemy. It’s like some of these players haven’t played a old school RPG. This is coming from somebody with “real responsibilities”, who is playing the lockpicking minigame on slightly worn PS4 Controller, with a wandering dead zone in the right analog stick. Let’s see what this change brings. Because if it gets any easier, they better hotfix a difficulty option.


At first I thought it was impossible until I practiced and now it’s ridiculously easy. Goes to show how many cry babies this generation has produced. Never wanting to work for anything and always wanting to have something.


Just git gud, lad. You are a shit smelling peasant who doesn’t know how to pick locks. Deal with it. Practice and it will happen. If you think the game is too hard for you and your girlfriend, go play Mario.


Its 80$ in canada on the ps4 online store. And there is NO WAY to know that only the lock-pick is a pain in the ass before you buy it. The only game i expected to be HARD before buying is dark soul and maybe bloodborne. Just read your comment like you were a casual gamer, if you don’t realize how stupid your comment is then maybe you should avoid forums…or stick to blizzard. This game is easy for any casual players except for the lock-pick. There is NOTHING realistic in this. How many lock-picks did you broke in real-life to open a chest?? You don’t have a damn clue of what is realistic. Its not hardcore immersive at all, you dint play arma 3 do you?

He said pardon his English he is probably not from America but if he is yes ur right it’s 50$

It’s a pc if u wanna use controller ulget an Xbox or PS4

maybe I’m a moron, yes… but at least I have the coordination to pick locks :wink:


Play skyrim

Well also this doesn’t have guns it’s swords

I know how you did it, you are using only one thumb to scroll them together at the same time!!:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

They could make locks slightly easier at the start but if the make all locks easier they might aswell remove locking as once you hit lvl 5 in lock pick you have to try to fail locks. My lock pick is at 16 now almost impossible to break a pick on a very hard lock. But I did have trouble getting the first 5 lvls when starting. I’m on ps4 using a controler

Legit arma three is hard core but so is this so tell me the damage concept of that game like if u get shot.what happens bleed out a medic comes and patches u up what happens I know it’s off topic but realism in this game u have to put into concept ur sword fighting so strength is an valuable asset so is skill and agility maybe not experience cause as long as u stay calm and do as uve been trained for as in the obstacle ur about to face and the enemies combat stance wether it be an man with an polearm or an sand bag bunker how u tackle the task is what counts they say to low crawl if ur close enough to the sand bag bunker so that u can stay outta their sights cause it can’t aim all the way down and not end up lying in a pool of blood so now I get shot in abdomen what’s the best way to treat it’s a hi caliber bullet full metal jacket appon I’m pact it should go all the way through missed any vital organ the best case to treat that wound in my opinion (I’m no combat medic) would be to apply pressure to stop bleeding and then disnfect it so it don’t get infected and then stich it up sounds simple but that’s my understanding.sword play is a whole new ball game ur constantly in cqc so let’s say ur using just an axe and ur an Viking ur poor so u don’t have chain mail just hide armour but the armour isn’t in the best of shape and u take an arrow to the abdomen and it sorta stopped it but the deeper the better what do u do I really wouldn’t know but common sense tells me to push it through not pull it out y cause the arrow tip of course u pull that out and it’s in ur guts then ya that’ll be pulled out with it I would think I’m no expert when it comes to medieval combat or any so I’m just goin based off what I’ve heard and a full metal jacket would cause something different cause it’s hot but if it does manage to get stuck well we’ve all seen saving private Ryan if u haven’t it’s a film about ww2 and if they had surgery in medieval time I do not know but any way none are (realistic)

And that is if ur in full battle rattle (armour titanium or whatever they use) many a bullet can’t go through a thick thing of titanium but if it’s just what grunts got then it would be an plate carrier u get hit from a large caliber round wearing that the bullet might explode upon impact if it goes through a lot of pices get stuck here an there I’ve seen what happens a bullet that hits ballistic vest was a 9 mm hand gun stops it in its track

And in real life there’s no respawn and nobody knows what’s on the other side could just be nothing lord says it’s like a deep sleep my papaw died from heart attack once he died for a couple minutes than came back he said it’s no different then going to sleep except u wake up

Watch your mouth boy.

Difficulties is a good idea. Being childish and making demands/threats about refunding is not. Im actually married but I fail to see why it is relevant in this particular case :slight_smile: Your post and statements just prove, that this is not a game for you and most likely you did not research it beforehand correctly.

And no, it is not catastrophic to change anything in the game. Crying about it on the forums and threatening with a refund is. For me it sounds like it’s ruining your life right now.

Just refund already and leave.