►Alpha 0.5 Bug List

I think you Just need to be more Creative about how you go about it, and remember its an RPG.

I just completed the quest 100% without speaking to the Herb woman a single time.

First I collect enough Herbs to make the Antidote, and them some extra to buy the Brown Quilted jacket from the merchant in samopesh.

I then head to herbalist and auto cook the antidote (gives me a smoke break).

Put on the Brown quilted Jacket and take of everything else until my Charisma is at its Highest.

Talk to Jerry first, offer to help him before asking all the questions about what happened.

After going over all the questions with Jerry I unlock his Larder door without walking (don’t discover the meat yet).

I then go talk to Talbot the fisherman and get him to tell me his side of the story. With the Charisma bonus of the quilted jacket you can persuade him at each prompt successfully.

Then Speak to Marianna and get her take on the whole thing, Offer to help her.

Then I go back to Jerry’s house discover the meat and then go speak to Jerry’s wife.

After talking to Jerry’s wife and asking her about the rotting meat I go to the plot up the road Jerry is working, and go over the investigation with him where he then reveals the whole plot of his wife being the culprit.

He will attempt to bribe you, at this point you can choose to agree with pinning the crime on Marianna or tell Jerry off and tell the bailiff.

I hate Jerry King Poop Butt so I turn his ass in.

I even took the time to do it again this time recording.

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You are right, WH fixed this bug after 0.3. The trigger is now the potion. You need the potion. It doesn´t mater if you make the potion, steal it, or buy it.

Some suggestions about your way:
No need for the brown quilted jacket(and charisma bug). Persuade works well at the fisherman.

No need to speak with Jerrys wife. (special note: You can kill her, and open the larder with her key; no lockpicking :slightly_smiling: )

You can agree with Jerry, get his money, and after this tell the bailiff the true (and Marianna). :blush:

But I was never able to blame Marianna at the baliff… is this a bug, or I`m?

To add to what people saying regarding the issue where the screen goes black here are a few extra points:

  1. It only seems to happen when the game is loading something such as talking to an NPC, loading into a fight,loading into the game etc. I have not had the issue occur when simply riding or walking around

  2. The game continues to “work” in most cases. The sound design and music can be heard continuing on after the screen goes black. Most notable when “loading” a fight and the bug occurs you can hear your opponent continue to duel you.

  3. I have had no issues regarding the game files or anything of the sort. Steam says that everything is where it should be.

I have attached my system specs bellow

DxDiag.txt (95.4 KB)

I tried this yesterday when I was testing and the impress check failed each time. Is it possible that you did some other quests before hand that increased speech or charisma?

I have not tried to accuse her so I couldn’t tell yeah Ill test it next time I play.

I talked to Ludmilla’s husband first. Then Ludmilla disappeared. After riding out of town and back I found her and gave her the letter and she game me the choice of an old stallion they couldn’t sell or some groshen. Maybe talking to her husband first was the key?

I cant start the game since Patch 0.5.
Everytime I start the game it crashes after the loading screen.
“Game.exe doesnt work”


Sounds like the Crimson Problem. Do you have an AMD GFX Card?

AMD R9 270X

Well the only way to get the Alpha 0.5 work is to install the Catalyst Driver.

This is a Special Problem form the AMD Crimson Driver in combination with 0.5/Cryengine…

Warhorse has confirmed that this Problem is in upcoming BETA fixed…but there will be no fix for the Alpha


Ok thank you !!

Small GFX Bug, or is it a super fat rat???

While I was fighting I saw this :stuck_out_tongue: He didnt want to stand up.

This is Kučera-san
Kučera-san is a weeaboo
Kučera-san could not stand 15th century anymore
Kučera-san commited sudoku
Don’t be like Kučera-san


Hmmm, you mean Seppuku bro?

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No, I mean sudoku


BUG: guards bitching that my sword is unsheath while i am on grindstone (its called grindstone right?)

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A few more things occured…

  1. When I did the archery for money in the camp, I could win the competitions, until I had Level 21 in archery. Afterwards I always got the message: “Nice try…” even though I had won the competition. No matter if I did shot on targets or logs…
  2. Sometimes it seems impossible to draw any kind of weapon after you have been fighting in the arena… or the torch…quite annoying to run through the forrest at night with no light… :wink:
  3. People, that I killed, appeared again… like the bailif… :slightly_smiling: naughty me…
  4. I seem to be able to carry the armour of an whole army in my rucksack… maybe only a small army, but enough for five knights…

That’s it for now…

Speaking of KC:D… Is it right, that the beta will come out on Valentines Day, because Warhorse loves us so much??? :laughing:
Nice try… wasn’t it… :wink: :blush:

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wow… hahah

I spent a bunch of time on the archery range to get some $$$.

Then I went to the arena and did a bunch of matches. Most of 'em I lost. The last one I lost, but I found myself outside the area with the sword master telling me what an “arse” I was. But the sword combat icon (5-point star) was still on and I could only move left or right (combat moves). I could jump into inventory but when I returned I was still in pseudo combat mode. Ditto for hitting escape.

I finally managed to escape from pseudo combat purgatory by crouching “C” command and standing up again (a relief because my Henry was starting to build up some useful skills/levels).

The arena fight preceding this was “beginner” level and lasted for a bit ending with a “you’re finished”. It was at night. Nothing unusual about the fight itself. The graphics displayed when I was stuck in “pseudo combat” was some kind of loop move a little right, move back left, repeat…

Hi, today I captured this bug. I did not do anything unusual. Only bothered few soldiers in camp and this haunted me until Merhojed. I was immune to his attacks. For others, I was mortal.

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