three people stucked here, even my smith with q, which i cant do then…
Lady going for the wather with the bucket is buggy. The bucket just falls down and wanders around the pond, tehn it just teleports back into hand. Also it would be nice to add ripples in the water as she scoops the wather with the bucket.
Can this thread please be pinned in the forum?
I think it will otherwise be the same again as the last hours before the release of the alpha!
If I press number 1 torch stuck in the air then I press the button again and it’s appear in my hand.
Well, first play session, a lot to say !
It’s a very beautiful game (I play in very high settings). Cool light effects, great shadows, even shadows of plants and each grass blade. Peoples are convincing, when they don’t bug (so in the long term, they will be).
I stopped playing because of a crash, here’s the report :
Signature du problème :
Nom d’événement de problème: APPCRASH
Nom de l’application: game.exe
Version de l’application:
Horodatage de l’application: 54483114
Nom du module par défaut: XGenAIModule.dll
Version du module par défaut:
Horodateur du module par défaut: 54481ba8
Code de l’exception: c0000005
Décalage de l’exception: 0000000000458ce2
Version du système: 6.1.7601.
Identificateur de paramètres régionaux: 1036
Information supplémentaire n° 1: 8ca5
Information supplémentaire n° 2: 8ca51c8ad128f2bc9f197629caefa9ec
Information supplémentaire n° 3: 8de8
Information supplémentaire n° 4: 8de847b448ddfae837f52b996900deac
And in the game itself, I found a few bugs and took screenshots :
A HDR problem :
Bowls :
An eyeless monster :
An eyeless monster who scratch her brain through her skull :
Chickens who don’t give a damn about night, day or solid objects :
The bowman decided to stay here to let his bowl cool down. For three days.
Light problems at night :
Camera placing when talking to people indoors :
Wood is the best mattress material EVER ! I mean, come on, a bed of straw would be better, no ?
People and objects do not match :
Well, for a first, this will do. I may have to install fraps or whatever to record the bugs more effectively.
Have fun debugging all that and trust us to have fun discovering more
Many bugs already reported, will have to look into all this to see if i found something that is not reported , funny thing about the witch
I stayed with her there for a long ride , then once i came back to the tavern she moved by herself and continued to do here routine , found this funny
Are we allowed to post to youtube?
I know the Dev’s have been for promotional reasons but we are not dev’s surely they would have a say as to what you can and cant put on the intertwerps!
Great introduction to the game. Had 2 random crashes but other than that it ran smoothly. Graphics and panorama views and sounds really good. Some issues though For some reason as the time changed from day to night everyone’s hair went grey
Some puddles are solid
Flying woman
Mysterious lone villager
Russian Cossack dancing One final thing is that I shot all the arrows into the target but the quest did not progress. A great start considering its alpha. Running AMD FX 8350 Nvidia GT670 8gb ram
You can see through the chimney
There is poor peasant in a chicken coop
It is Geralt of Rivia!
Something be afoot here, she may be a witch!
She was last seen entering the local pub, from the sky.
Maybe it’s just something in the candy river, the chickens be magic too!
That is horrifying. I will have nightmares for weeks now thank you very much.
Im finding that most of the bugs just appear to be the npc cycles not working properly. But if i run the game at anything but low it crashes almost immediately and yeah i dont have the best computer ever but i get pretty decent fps on medium and high so is the crashing my computer or the alpha?
So far the game is very good, the graphics are stunning. Really looks like Czech countriside.
Some bugs I haven’t seen mentioned:
- flickering of player character in inventory while moving cursor (present only in some occasions for me)
- first time in the game when I pressed Y in inventory to view item details, the item description was blank. Second time and after that, it worked fine (on the same item).
- minor LOD flickering, especially noticable on house walls
- when chicken are inside a house, and the player standing in front of the house looking inside, the eyes of the chicken have weird blue glow. (minor bug)
- no CTDs for me except when on very high quality
Game running 25-30 fps on high quality, 1980x1200, fullscreen.
Intel Core i7 920 @ 2.66 GHz
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2 GB (drivers: GeForce 337.88)
Windows 8.1 64bit
Bugs I encountered:
When starting the game first time it crashed after 20 seconds (game stopped working error text).
Weird camera angles when in conversation.
Can’t see the dialogue options when talking, yet I can choose them blindly.
People sitting, cooking, doing weird stuff in middle of the air.
I can run faster than Usain Bolt (not bug but needs to be fixed).
Chickens walking through buildings.
Sheep going into the river head submerged or stuck into a corner of building unable to move back.
When looking at inventory inside a building I can’t see my characters skin (I mean the bare hands or feet) but clothes and face are visible.
Here my bug list:
Grass inside the basket:
Chicken IN the ground:
Sleeping in the air:
Cooking animation is ALWAYS broken, the NPC levitate and go around the map or is stuck inside the houses:
Dialogue animation are broken most of the times…
I’ve noticed character model clothing clipping and some texture layer stuff on world textures (and distance artefacts)
Are those bugs?
I could bitch about a lady not holding a stirring spoon properly but that is too much to ask. Even the well worn path of generic marines holding guns with fingers has never been sorted so a tiny detail like an NPC holding a spoon is miniscule.
Damn fine work Warhorse - thanks.
Keep it up
(I’ll read through this thread properly later and see if I can add anything that hasn’t been spotted already)
My list of issues with the alpha (not necessarily “bugs” in the traditional sense):
- very, very bad and unintelligible texture pop-ups everywhere (mostly vegetation, but also other objects like clothing or structures)
- moventment speed is WAY too fast (both in normal mode and while sprinting)
- broken camera in dialogues
- NPC cycles often broken (like NPCs doing field work in the house or doing field work at night)
- a lot of clipping errors
- collison detection of NPCs broken
- weird input delay for opening doors
- light sources not really correctly placed, diffuse lighting without light sources (e.g. in houses)
- wind animation of vegetation too synchronous and unnatural
- puddles on the ground don’t work like puddles when you walk in/on them
- NPCs are often stuck
- NPCs do stuff without tools although they should have them
- some items are undefined ("@")
- NPCs have zombie eyes at night
- NPCs sleep on wooden benches because there are no beds (of straw) in this village…
- some textures/objects are just bad (e.g. the ends of wooden slat from roofs)
- problems with water (already described often enough)
- NPCs sit on invisible benches in the evening
- jump movement/animation is weird/unnatural
- NPCs often use items at the wrong places (e.g. eating a soup with a spoon at the wrong position)
- NPCs don’t react to the player or other NPCs in general
- NPCs don’t wake up at night when the player approaches them
- no sound of your own steps (e.g. when walking through a puddle or stream)
- fireflyes make too big stripes in the darkness when you move the camera even slowly (at least below 60fps)
- changes of the times of day too harsh, not fluid (it sometimes gets darker in “steps” instead of getting darker in a constant, natural, fluid fashion)
- display of button prompts very unimmersive
- Henry sometimes lacks skin texture in the inventory screen
- no correct underwear!
- if you drop your clothes you sometimes can’t pick them up again (button prompt is shown but nothing happens when you press the button)
- NPCs are really badly textured with low resolution models for faces (Henry’s face and hair is really bad)
- background music sometimes starts very suddenly without a “smooth” transition from pure nature sounds
- NPCs sometimes put away light sources at night while walking without reason
- some items are placed at the wrong location, flying in the air (like the rishing rod at night or a spoon you can find in one of the houses)
- rare crashes/freezes at 1080p and very high settings in fullscreen mode (more stable in windowed mode in my experience)
- no sounds of exhaustion when Henry’s stamina bar hits zero
- no double click functionality to (de-)equip armor or weapons
- no mouse-over functionality to see stats of inventory items
- no cats in a medieval village?!
- there are barking sounds in the village and around but no dogs far and wide…
- sheep don’t bleak in the alpha (and chickens don’t cackle)!!!