Alpha Bugs list

the dialog doesn’t work for nobody. they are probably going to put in the voices later on

I selected to talk to a character just as she was on her way into a house. The camera followed her through the doorway and then turned to an in-conversation style close-up of my character’s face, without any UI present, and I was unable to exit from this view - had to restart the game.

Something funny happen when I start dialogue. I can see this picture for a second :smiley:


I came across a couple things will add some pictures tonight if it happens again.

  1. Using xbox controller. click to speak with a NPC would not register right away and would have some strange instances where I’d be talking to them through a wall or would see either the inside of my character or the NPC (which was very creepy)
  2. Noticed several villagers walking through the ground as they did there tasks
  3. Grabbing the wrong tools to go about tasks. (hoe for stirring pot etc.)

But I do enjoy the current music and love the environment nice work so far guys!

It looks like all the bugs I was going to post have already been found. It looks like I’m as slow as usual!

I must admit that the engine is looking great! The frame rate is a bit jumpy at times: I’m getting around 20-25 Fps on my Radeon HD6950, but I’m sure you guys already know this and are working on fixing it. Oh, and I LOVE the music! Keep up the good work Warhorse! :smiley:

Maybe for HUD scaling it uses width instead of height as point of reference?

I know it isn’t important but i think it is shame
that we can’t start the TechAlpha with Steam in Offline Mode.
If i make a screenshot with steam overlay, it kills my FPS down to 5.
Second steam steals the Alpha much performance

Set steam to low priority and kill GameOverlayUI.exe?
Or use another (external) program to make screens?

It is a question of, "Will it be possible in the future to play KCD with Steam in offline mode"
I’ve used another program for screenshots but I think that this isn’t intended.
If you kill the GameOverlayUI or another service of steam the alpha crashs for me.
In the past the steam community has noticed that many games have a fps loose if steam runs in background.

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Family Sharing doesn’t seem to work either.
Only I can see the game in my library. :frowning:

Is it possible that you have to enter your Key again on the other machine?

No, all other recently bought games are visible right away.
But I asked if Kingdom Come is visible -> NO!

And I don’t think you can just use the key on another account.
Or do you know for sure it will work?

So here are few bugs and ideas i came across so far (hopefully these are not on the forum so far).

First of all there is some wierd light leaks during night.

(You can see bright light leaking under the geometry)

(And even wierd light inside the building)

Disapearing lights inside a house next to the pub

(No Lights)

(Moving few meters forward)

Disapearing Lamp next to the Pub

(The lamp is placed near to tha stairs)

(Lamp disapears after moving few meters back. This does not affect any other lamp placed near)

So this happened. :smiley:


Kay look so thx for sup.

This little piece of geometry has no collisions imported

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The skeleton for NPC’s shows up at least when they are sitting down being idle.

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Unfortunately I pressed the wrong button to take multiple screenshots. Can confirm some NPCs being at the “wrong location”. Guys in front of the tavern sitting besides the benches, female standing somewhere inside the house, doing the stirring animation, while not standing in front of the fire/pot.

bathing water, i checkt it many times same error

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4
MB: ASUS M4A79T Deluxe
GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200

Good morning :slight_smile:

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