Apples Everywhere, But No Apple Trees. Why?


This is just a very minor thing I do not really understand.
You can find apples at bags, apples under some tree, but a tree with apple no.

There are lot’s of herb (to harvest) on the ground and don’t know why there aren’t any trees with some kind of fruit meshes and textures elements.

I am the only one who finds lack of some kind of thing like that?

When the game starts at Skalitz right next to Henry parent’s house there is some kind of fruit, maybe grape. That moment I feel where those lots of apples coming from. This is just a minor thing but on the opposite, in my opinion, this little stuff able to give a game more atmosphere, more realism, more life, etc…

What do you think about that idea? Apple trees! :slight_smile: And whatever you can imagine…
I would really love a mod, but an official solution would be fine.

Trees With More Life!


Good point! Game is situated in late spring time, and fruit trees should probably be blooming. If it is already after the bloom, then apple trees wouldn’t be so well recognizable (no flowers, no fruits yet). But all the same, I can’t remember any orchard or a single fruit tree in someone’s garden. It should be there, you are right; pear-, plum- and apple-trees.

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There are apple trees (quite lot of them actually):

Attack on Skalitz occurred on 23 March, so it should be early April in game, but if you look at the nature I looks much more like early to mid-summer. Developers probably decided to change it to have more typical lush landscape. And as you probably know apples are harvested only once a year (typically early autumn), so it makes sense there are no apple on the trees yet.
Apples stored in houses are probably supposed to be from last year (rotten apples under the tree probably too).

It is hops (for beer).



But I do not really agree with you. I don’t think they harvested all apples from the trees and just let the rotten one drop down. :slight_smile:

Honestly, I do not really matter whether it is autumn, or etc… But there are lot’s of flowers to harvest for alchemy. It rather looks like to me, that for developers that were a more easiest way.

I still feel a lack of fruits and flowers from trees!


PS: Hops. I thought those are grapes. Thank you!


I really would be happy for a mod, but as I said firstly an official tree changing “patch” will be great.
Trees with some apple, pear, and not to mention flowers. I am sure that kind of “small change” would give the game a big atmosphere addition.

And of course I do not think that the game should turn to fruity garden. :slight_smile:

Now, every tree looks almost the same. I mean leaves. Leaves also could have been some different texture. Just a little bit a Skyrim touch.
