Best line/lines

By far my favorite line in the game is when Henry is doing the exorcism and says, “In nomie de padre, et filii, et spiritus…etcetera!” Any other contenders?


Look, Henry’s come to see us!
(Can be extremely funny, depending on the context. For instance, where the character who says it is standing alone (there being no “us”) or where you are in a private area (e.g., the top of the tower where the Father sleeps) and they say this line followed by asking you to get lost.)

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“Ma! Maaaaaah!”

(Hard to post as ‘not a complete sentence’…)

“I’m hungry.”

When Hans calls Archibald “A.rse n Balls” in the next to godliness quest. LoL’d irl on that one.


I wonder what Teressas up to. …
I havent seen her in a long time.

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On my most recent play through that quest kept updating after i completed a main quest. Just found the counterfeiters…wonder what Teresa’s up to. Just murdered some guy in the monastery…wonder what Teresa’s up to. Shows where Henry’s mind is.

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I got in a fight with a priest that i needed information from, he called me “FKER” at the top of his lungs as we were about to fight haha, freaked me out because he was so priestly before that.

“Fotze (German) = Cunt” during fights…i lol’d soooooooooo hard!!! :smiley:

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Missus was attacked by some thugs (an unpaid debt :wink: )… we laughed at the fight breaking out just inside Rattay and such heavy language being used. We heard the english version too…

Best line “got weak in the knees have you?”
Coming from a bandit i just killed…:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Reminded me of the black knight part in the monty python movie…

Its just a scratch

Also i hear in different ambient talking loops dutch language wich is crazy. Two guys talkkng about a dutch telecom provider

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for real?! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Are you dutch?

I swear its true.
I play a lot without the game music for immersion.
When playing dice i hear the loop repeating itself.
Its like the background mumbling in and outside taverns.

I hear a guy clearly saying “Hier kom zitten” and “voorzichtig schat”
Wich meand here sit down and be careful darling.

In the other loop i hear guys talking and one of them says “ja ik zit bij KPN” wich means yes im with kpn.
Kpn is a dutch telecom provider.



You should take a while to listen to Hans Capon when he’s tied up, he’s got some awesome lines there :slight_smile:

For me the most hilarious is combat shout “Do psi diry!” :wink:

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Its also great when bandits do a hold up and scream “youve been pillaging along these roads to long you scoundrel”

That makes my henry one hell of a bad boy if even the bandits are like ur taking this shit too far bro

I inadvertently hit the button to crouch while i was near the Sasau Bailiff and he says “Back trouble”?


Thats the better option. Sometimes I want to crouch and I call my horse instead. It is dangerous in some situations :smiley: