It’s subjective, i just like Gothic 2 the best.
3 was in fact quite boring, bad story and quests, huge empty world, bad fighting, tons of bugs… nothing special, I even didn’t finish it.
Well, if W3 is very bad designed game, I would like to see a good one Tutorials are just at the beginning (I think you can turn them off), cutscenes are great, they make the story and it’s really not so often and skill tree is totally allright.
Also, on the highest difficulty it’s not just smashing attack button, you must use all fighting mechanics to beat someone strong (skills, dodging, magic, potions, bombs), in 1 and 2 is worse fighting system. Voice acting is great (in english) and I don’t know whats bad on the tracking system.
It excells in almost every aspect, so I have to call it masterpiece (storytelling, quests, dialogs, world design - even if it’s huge it’s not boring and feels living, visuals, soundtrack, atmosphere, gwent, etc…). It’s overally great and fun game, where don’t bothers me anything (and that’s rare these days). But I know you will disagree again, but I don’t care