Big Brother Steam

Pardon me, for my being from pre-Steam age, but are you saying that there is an authority (Steam) that has access to the information regarding your gameplay? Can you switch it off? Will there be possibility not to be tracked when the final game is out?

Do you expect them to blackmail you with this information? :smile: It’s possible that the game will be published also on GoG, where you can play without any client…

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Isn’t it lovely how most people just accept the Big Brother reality without giving it a second thought?

Isn’t it lovely how most people just accept the Big Brother reality without giving it a second thought?

You are right! It´s not an easy decision.
I waited eight years with steam, but after release of Skyrim, there was no other (legal) way to play. Get it or leave it!

The most of my games are none steam, boxed versions.

But it´s also my decision - no Facebook, no What´s up!

If I am posting in this forum, I am nowing that everything is documented. It would be naive to think I am anonymous… :hushed:



Big brother reality? It’s a company selling video games jesus. I really don’t care if they know how long I play. You gave away more information about yourself here on this forum than I ever will on Steam by playing games.


They are programmed to accept it, just as you and others were programmed that there is a conspiracy.
Its hard not to accept a reality that is agreed upon by others in the consciousness pool.


as long as you have nothing to hide their shouldnt be an issue , besides i doubt CIA,MI5, etc would be wasting millions on watching what everyone is doing , they have bigger issues at hand

@Blacksmith 50 hours ! doing what ! i solute your dedication :slight_smile:

By using the same logic I guess that you would be fine with having phone tapping and house searches without a judicial warrant?


By using your logic it means that playing a game and getting the game time tracked is similar to getting your whole filesystem searched for your private files and photos.

To make a better comparison than yours: Paying for goods with any card-based or account-based solution. It’s in no way different if you know what somebody is buying or how much time someone is spending time on games.


slightly different , everything you do on the internet leaves a record , a trace whether you use steam or not is irrelevant , if you abide by the law etc intelligences agencies are NEVER going to waste the time , money and effort shifting through your google searches , what games you play etc . so as long as you abide by the law you shouldn’t be bothered about such traces being left , and i hardly doubt they would bring up the fact that you spent 100 playing sims 3 in a criminal case against you

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Yeah but i can kind of see his point. If you live in America then you have the NSA and all that bullshit listening to peoples call and doing shit like that and it truly is frightening that they are doing that. We are truly turning into a distopian society where governments will read all your private information. Also i forget who said that but some guy brought this up that the average person probably commits 1 felony a day without knowing it and that makes it to where they could possibly always have something against you. Its going from innocent until proven guilty to guilty until proven innocent. Take a look at the boston bombing for an example. The police armed with m4s wearing full military outfits and driving in bullet proof ied proof apcs busted down peoples doors without a warrant completely ignoring the U.S constitution and confiscated fire arms and injured several people. Same thing happend in Katrina but it was the military doing it then.

The NSA has already spied on millions of innocent Americans and innocent people in other countries.

i do agree with him to a point but i think people have this image that NSA and in my countries case GCHQ have people sitting there listening to everyones phones calls (be an amazing job ) when that simply isnt the case that would cost a ridiculous sum of money to do .
in NSA’s case they set up equipment inside telecommunications facilities that would basically record every phone call and email and add it to your "file " as such . in 99% of cases your “file” wouldnt ever be touched however if you was to become an interest to them they would have the ability to bring up every phone call and email you have made since “President’s Surveillance Program,” started up . which would make the intelligence building phase run alot quicker .
while i like to think this was set up with our safety in mind it clearly impedes on our privacy but it still boils down to they are not going to bother with you if your a law abiding citizen .

good article on it where most of my knowledge of it comes from

well i speed alot if that counts :stuck_out_tongue:

but more to the topic i still dont understand why the secret service would be interested in how many hours you have spent playing KCD

I know but Big Brother is defiantly here police in America has become completely militarized. The police do not need apcs and homeland security does not need millions of rounds of hollow point ammo ( just in case you dont know hollow points are used for shooting un armored targets. I may just be a crazy nut and i hope i am but fishy things are going on right now in my country and if you dont believe me on FEMA camps you can actually read the bill in which the construction for them was approved and you can read it on a government website. Good thing snowden blew the whistle on the NSA.

i certainly agree you americans have a shit lot less freedom than we do in europe .

do you not think thats partly down to the fact that the civilian population is militarized in terms of the kit you can legally get hold of ? it creates a volatile situation between not infringing the second amendment but at the same time having the capability to deal with a extremely well equipped individual . As a nation you chose to have the freedom to have access to such kit , like everything in life it comes at a cost

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Police already had enough force to easily deal with a would be shooter. All police are armed with 12 gauge shotguns m4a1s and of course their pistol. They also have bullet proof vest. In fact violent crime and murder rate in America has plummeted in the last 50 years so it makes little sense for them to arm the police so heavily now. Im ok with SWAT being this heavily armed because they are sorta the special forces of the police. But normal police do not under an circumstances need these. No weapon that is available to the American citizens would have any chance of getting through their tanks. Breaking down peoples doors without a warrant is completely unconstitutional. Also from what you’ve told me the police on your country are armed pretty heavily too but why? You population has no way of defending its self from a tyrannical government. Answer this question do you believe that the weapons in vehicles you used over seas in a war zone belong back home? They dont even have this equipment in trouble zones they have them in areas with pretty much no crime.

but are the apc’s they are purchasing being used in routine patrols ? i was under the impression they are used for large incidents and by the SWAT teams .

this i completely agree with so wont add much to that

sights like this are pretty common in train stations and airports etc yes but that is because we are at a high state of readiness to a terror attack .

well i mainly operated in a jackal so no i dont believe they belong on the streets of london . not much use for a 40mm automatic grenade launcher/ 50 call machine gun and a GPMG on the streets here :P- although it would really sort out them riots in Ferguson in the US

The SWAT have their own special vehicles but these are being given to just normal police not SWAT.

As our military gets new vehicles and progresses they give the older models to the police some apcs have mounted turrets on them. A few were used in Ferguson because they jackass rioters decided they were going to try and shoot at the national guard so they brought in those. I think situations like that are justified but when 12 apcs show up to give a 80 year old man a ticket (yes this actually happened look it up) that’s when i think it gets dangerous and normal police should not have tanks on our streets. Seeing how there are no weapons civilians can posses that can harm these vehicles (they are IED proof as well) i find it extremely unnecessary and uncomfortable that normal police will go out with these.

This is the kind of shit im talking about.

I have seen 3 of these APC’s in my local area allot recently. they have been running all kinds of drills and training with the local police departments.

Near my work is a bunch of old abandoned houses that have been scheduled for demolition for months; one day on my way into work there where maybe 20-30 officers in full swat gear and this very intimating APC with .50 cal mount sitting outside the house with a huge sign that said SHERIFFS TRAINING, the sign was unusual because these training postings that I have seen before usually have info on the county and division of the officers training.On the way home from work the house was torn to shit almost completely demolished, I would have loved to watch this all go down.

BACK ON TOPIC BEFORE WE KILL ANOTHER THREAD GUYS! maybe start a new one of of this?

I haven’t logged much time on alpha lately been playing allot of Skyrim to remind what things grinded my gears.

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You’ve all probably seen this but its pretty funny.
Completely off topic but i just stumbled across it.
Imagine if this happened to warhorse in the middle of one of their streams or videos.
Just picturing that makes me laugh my ass off.
Anyone back on topic i can usually do the quests 1-2 times before i stop playing ive only clocked up to 11 hours in it.