Bohemia's landscape and more - upload screenshots

Some dudes long time ago had some time to kill.
I guess with the state of the game now, we will be seeing a lot of new screenshots. Atleast from me, my main quest bugged out.

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Those forest impressions in this game are just stunning. As a kid/youth with my first computer (nearly 30 years ago), i dreamed of such graphics. Now i´m playing with. Weird but good feeling.


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I see you have Tiltshift option enabled in Ansel, i had i too, but now is gone, any tips ?
y u plagiarising ,bro? :sunglasses:

You got me! :grin: The bridges are very good models.

Which driver do you use? I stayed with 391.01.
Under C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\Tools there is a file “nvcameraconfiguration”. Maybe it helps.

I am on 390.77, with later drivers ansel is simply not working at all. I’ll have a look there, do you have more specific info on this file. Thanks. Could you find and upload here the TiltShift files from the folder ProgramFiles\Nvidia\Ansel\ShaderMod

Ok, i got it working, my tiltshift files simply where not unpaced during the driver instalation, copied them manualy from the Nvidia Files. Thanks NotAnExit for navigation to right direction.

@bregelion Could you please, please, pretty please post the settings you’re using for the game and if you’re using any mods (from your first post)? I want my game to look that gorgeous :slight_smile:
Right now mine has an odd super contrasty type thing going that is so pert it looks fake.

I´m using ultra settings except shadows. Shadows = medium + high mod (from Nexus). Custom user.cfg with mods (AO Mod from nexus, for example)

  • own Reshade with slight color changes, lumasharpen, clarity and MXAO. <= The game lacks of good ambient occlusion in my opinion. And the mxao of the reshade works good with KCD. It´s the only game where i´m using this.

I think i spent a few hours of tweaking and testing reshades to reach “my” look.

Ohhh I’m so sorry, I meant that question to @bregelion - but I’ll try yours too!

I have this weird urge to photograph creeks in this game :thinking:


I have a pond and bog I’vb been working on in my backyard for 18 years. I wish this game had been out when I first did the connection between the two as I would have tried to make a short creek connection point look exactly like your last screenshot :grinning:


I just love those forested river shots. I want to live there.


Some shots from my travels :slight_smile:


idk what i’m doing wrong but if i use your atmo.txt and rename it into atmo.ini
my game didnt looks like your screen :disappointed_relieved:


Wow, your settings look really good for screenshots! Is this an reshade preset which i can download?

Do you have installed ? The Atmos.ini is very different preset to the one i am using now. You can clearly see the difference in my latest shots.