[Bug] Unable to finish "The Prey" quest stealthy if Henry owns a horse (breaks getting a "Merciful" achievement)

I found myself in a situation when I’am not able to finish “The Prey” quest (rescue sir Hans Capon from cumans) in stealthy way if Henry owns a horse at the begging of the quest.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Buy any horse before starting “The Prey”
  • Start “The Prey” quest
  • Go to the camp with Hans Capon
  • Go and shoot some hares
  • Go back to the camp
  • Follow Hans Capon to the boar hunting spot
  • Watch a cutscene of both Hans and Henry riding into a cuman camp while chasing down the boar
  • After this moment the bugged behavior start.

Bugged behavior:

  • Henry is able to run away from the cumans in order to wait a while behind a bush, return and stealthy knock them out. But cumans do not “loose” Henry and keep chasing him, no matter how far he did run away
  • Hans Capon is unconscious and Henry is not able to rescue him just by drugging his body away either

Why this is a bug:

The only possibility to rescue sir Hans Capon, as I see so far, is to kill those cumans, and then talk to him. But this totally breaks an attempt to finish the game without any in-combat kills in order to get the “Merciful” achievement.

On the other hand “The Prey” quest can be flawlessly finished with out killing cumans ONLY if player does not own any horse at the begining of the quest and have to find Hans Capon on foot first.

Fix suggestion:

  • Option A: Change the behavior of those two cumans in the camp - make them “loose” Henry and return to the camp.
  • Option B: If Henry already owns a horse give the player choice (maybe a time-based choice) to follow Hans Capon and the boar in the saddle or on foot.

Game version:



https://yadi.sk/d/rkYfYF77M0ZsAw - saved before going to the boar hunting spot

Probably the only way to manage the situation is to poison (in your horse bag) your sword. And finish the two cumens with your horse(run over). Not easy, but you are alredy in hardcore mode… :slight_smile:

Well thanks for advice!

I found myself doing exactly the same thing already. It looks like there is no other way of moving further, I suppose. But honestly it’s not as easy as pie. And it’s also kinda way to work around an obvious bugged situation.

It is not my first walkthrough of KCD in hardcore mode, so I learned a thing or two about it. But it’s my first attempt of beating the game in a pacific way. Devs were claiming it is possible.

As I see now, no matter if it is hardcore of regular mode, ONLY IF player already got himself a horse, he gets stuck there with cumans, when they chase him forever and he is not provided by any kind of standard way of sorting things out without bloodshed and also failing the “Merciful” achievement.

I’d brought some possible fix suggestion to the table, so hope in the end it would be fixed in a proper way.

Still, this post is not a cry for help, just a trivial bug report. :slight_smile:

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Can you please check this bug report ? It’s a very good one.
@vetray posted some other bug reports. They are also correct !

Hello everyone, great report indeed :slight_smile:

I am going to pass this to our designers and let you know what they going to say.


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Thank you a lot!


And a month later there is no answer given…

I bet it will not be fixed in patch 1.9. I’d played KCD a lot over last year and there is about 10 bugs in different quests, aside from those i’d already did (go check threads I’d created), that I know for sure and can report in the same precise step-by-step way. But what use are those bug reports if no one is bother of reading and fixing them? This is how it all goes with Warhorse, I guess. That makes me a bit sad, to be honest.


Hello again,

Forgot to get back to you.

This issue is actually little more complicated for us to fix, the ways you suggested. Cumans are handled by the general systems. In this case combat system and perception systems (mainly these two). That mean these NPCs behave the same like any other NPC (there are of course exceptions) in the game. They are rather strong and got high ability to see you (for other reasons important for the quest). Any changes would be to make changes in the whole system, which is not an option.

After a discussion with the designer it was decided that this is not a bug (still not completely happy about this for sure). For now we stand behind the concept of making a decision and living with it. Player takes a horse, which leads to Henry coming after Hans and getting himself in to the situation where he has to fight. Therefore merciful play through must be finished in the specific way (getting merciful with a horse during this quest is still possible, hard but possible).

Kind regards,

Jan Rücker

QA Department Leader



Tobi: “A repeat: there are no bugs in Kingdom Come Deliverance. If you say something different you lie. And lying is not good.”

So this is how it goes. I see.