Camera Stutter

Yeah still waiting for that patch

Is the next patch just for PC, or is it going across the board?

I honestly don’t even know at this point

If they implement changes that are wanted/needed - they are across the board.

There is a timetable difference (out of devs hands-dependant on the respective platform holders and their approval times for each patch)

So, yes, pc gets patch first arguably due to less quality control by steam…

1.3.4 due now, 1.4 next week. This is known /reblogged everywhere.

I’m having this issue on Xbox one. I’ve played over 100 hours and had no trouble. After the latest patch for Xbox the screen stutters and shakes. It gave me a headache just trying to play yesterday. I have tried reloading old saves but no luck.


Please, please fix this soonest!
Bad enough the game is a resource hog for my system so that towns are 10 to 25 fps and 25 to39 in the boonies. But add this shake that practicly blurs the screen for 4 to 6 seconds every time a move is made left or right and movement slowed way down.
Love the game but this is very trying.
If 1.4 will work on playing nice with multi core pc’s will this boost fps and lower black screen load time??


My game has finally become unplayable because of this bug. The “shakes” progressively increased in their intensity to the point where they’ve become intolerable, combat behavior is also affected, the character sometimes teleport when attacking or is not responsive at all…

@Ordinat is correct. It actually makes combat ridiculous. Your enemies teleport and so do you when using attacks. That on top of the skaes and you might as well no bother until 1.4 when they will presumably fix it. Although the amount of things they have since managed to break with their patches is amazing.

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for me it only stutters when i have too many goods let fallen on the ground :smiley:

This issue has nothing to do with your hardware. It’s an issue with the physics in the game. See reddit post from the big man himself.

This has been around since mid February. WTB hotfix. Game currently unplayable for some, unless you want to have a seizure.

For those reading this and have not yet experienced the bug, dont leave stuff on the ground or throw stuff away. Just store it in your stash or sell, even the cheapest pieces. It seems like physics start to misbehave after certain critical amount of items that fall through the ground.

Tell that to the guards throwing their halberds everywhere!

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I will be surprised if they can’t fix this come 1.4. Should be a simple matter to code the cleaning up of discarded items after say 5-10 mins.

just watch and be amazed when the 1.4 will come out :wink:

after 1.34 most of the shake went away…for a few real days. now it is back but now most of the time for only when you start to move left or right for a few seconds but can continue if you keep rotating. Tho certain places like the mines a some camps for up to 10 seconds. Please have 1.4 perma cure this!!!
am on PC and get this on mouse and xbox 1 wireless controller.

I have a genius idea so you check this out later on in the game if you’ve noticed the polearm litter well if this is true about throwing too many things on the ground can cause this bug let alone some of the people that you kill and their swords disappear

If this is true regardless of you throwing things down the npcs do it

thats a good point, i saw these polearm-topic today. the stutters could come from items the npc let fallen to ground. as i wrote, for me it begins to stutter in prologue when i let fallen all the dirty food to ground.

maybe these polearms are the reason why it stutters not for all player so far. you have to be on a point in the game, where the npcs already have let fallen many items.

a auto-delete/refresh for all items on the ground after one ingame week or so could be the solution

Well 1.4 is here and the bug still exists. Is there mayby a command that is able to delete all dropped items? By player and/or NPC’s? I already tryed to use an old save, but the bug always returned after a while, making the game unplayable.

You are way too exaggerateing, just give them some time. It seems to me that they are putting much time and love into the game, only that they released it too early and can’t get after the bugs that quick.

Also I found a work arround for the bug that doesen’t remove it entierly but it makes the game playable again. Try fixing your fps to 30 with Sys_MaxFPS = 30 that should do it.

I didn’t try it with other fixes it could work too with 60 or what ever your system is able to manage.