UPDATE: So it’s just the two weapons that are disappearing. My Heavy Shield and my Trusty Companion short-sword are glitched. If I leaving them anywhere including my chest at home they will both disappear following any training sessions with Captain Bernard. I have decided after a couple of hours of trial and error that I am just going to sell the items and use a different set of weapons. I enjoy this game but bugs like this make me not want to play. Anyways if you get a weapon glitch like this, I’m not sure there’s anything you can do, maybe an earlier save might work but i’m not so sure. Good luck out there peasants.
I have run into a frustrating bug with Captain Bernard, when I train with him in any fashion my weapons disappear immediately following the end of the training session. I have tried to hide my weapons in my horse but it still happens 100% of the time. It doesn’t matter which training option I use with him; practice weapons, real weapons, new combos, master skills, I can only buy training from him. It’s incredibly annoying. I am going to try just setting my weapons on the ground or taking them back home and leaving them in the chest. I’ll update if those workarounds succeed, I’m also going to send a bug report in, the reason I made the thread though was to see if anyone else had experienced this yet or if I’m completely missing something like a storage chest!