Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

There should be the choice of playing with either the schnapps saves or manual saves at the start of the game. That way both groups will be happy with the game.
It won’t affect the people who enjoy the current system, but will make it more accessible to people used to normal saving mechanics.


very sad…I love hardcore games and there are not many of them… I am very happy with the current system. Now it will be like in every other game. “Lets safe and try it again if I dont like what happened…”


No I dont think thats what is happening, they are probably only going to implement save when you exit the game.
They made this save concept for a reason and I’m pretty sure they want to keep it mostly the way it is now

I’m not saying they should change or remove the schnapps save system. I wouldn’t want that to be taken away from those of you that enjoy that method of saving.
I just think they should add a separate mode that wouldn’t affect you that would allow manual saving for those of us that don’t enjoy the current system.

I was a againts lockpick mechanics on gamepad from starting the game, but !!
In rataj in tutorial quest, you can practice…so you can easily level up to level 3 a than take the perk for stronger lockpicks…

and how to do on gamepad?
with your right analog find the "yellow spot"
start with left analog in upper position and then smoothly and regularly turn with it…smoothly is a must! so you dont have to concentrate on left analog…
then you only have to watch on the “yellow spot” and find the right spot with your right analog…
dont coordinate the whole lockpick…watch only on the “yellow spot” and find the good possition only with your right analog…left only for smooth rotation…

hope it helps :slight_smile:

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Well to be fair I should say that lockpicking on gamepad in beta version was really more easy and it worked the same way in fact.

I have an Idea, maybe they could implement a potion to make lockpicking/pickpocketing more easy
so the ones that like the difficulty now wont have a problem and whoever wants to have it easier (e.g. more time for pickpocket, bigger area of yellow dot for lockpicking) can use a potion

They won’t implement potions like that. What next? Potion of Strength? Increase weapon damage by 20%…no.

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I believe there is already a potion for more stealth… could be wrong though since I cannot read
I see your point, there are weapon potions anyway though… Its just my Idea to find a good compromise between the ones that like the system and the ones that disklike it… I really like the general mechanic/minigame of lockpicking and pickpocket

Eventually, one solution might simply be difficulty levels. Just make a “casual” version with QoL mechanics (easier lockpicking, standard save system) and keep a “hardcore” difficulty level for all those like me who want realism and understand than lockpicking a lock is not small feat than anyone can do drunk.


Why not? Savior Schnapps is an idea I would have never even thought of to start with yet still remains interesting just on it’s face and it doesn’t make you choose a different difficulty setting OR fix it so people who DO like it the way it is have it changed.

Schnapps is an actual drink…but for the sake of game mechanics, it is used to save the game and to give Henry a little kick to wake him up :smile:

Why the hell are all games pandering to the bad players?

Let’s sum up all the excuses for saving I’ve heard so far.

  1. “I have work/school/family/ and I need to save before leaving the computer”

Solution: Always have a saviour schnapps on you or manage your time better. You can make your own saviour schnapps or buy one easily, if you’re not even capable of gathering enough groschen for a saviour schnapps then you can start off with an easier game.

If you cannot manage your time then you should stop playing games altogether until you get your life straightened up.

I’ve seen many games pander to the worst players before and the games have ALWAYS become less enjoyable. I beg of everyone to stop trying to ruin a game that has massive potential


How would a completely separate mode ruin your game? It wouldn’t need to change anything about the way you play.
It would only be there for those who want to use it.
And you can’t tell people not to play games just because they don’t have as much time as you do.


I really don’t get what problem people have with lockpicking. I play on PS4 and pick “very hard” locks in a matter of seconds. Of course it’s difficult in the beginning, and i broke countless picks too, but with a bit of training no chest’s content will be safe from you :wink:.

Thanks for the tips.
But still it’s way too sensitive and mainly because of this:
I myself have smaller hands than most people and that makes it harder to do it both at the same time. Also, with the current sensitivity used and slightly worn sticks/controllers make it almost impossible to keep the yellow dot on target.
I thought the practice sessions were nice to level up a bit, until after 4 or 5 times I ended up with no more lockpicks and haven’t got the money to buy new ones…
(this on ps4 pro)

you dont have to buy lockpicks…when you leave the minigame,you lose the lockpick…but…when you stay in the lockpick tutorial minigame (try lockpicking again and again, dont leave the box) all the time, you dont need buy lockpicks…

that was at me…hope it wasnt a bug :))

Solutions to lockpicking and saving can be found here.

Just drop the PAK files into the data folder of the gamedir. Problem solved.

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lockpicking is fine, why everything has to be easy?

Safe and Exit might be a Thing, but you can also save a drink for it.

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I managed to do some lockpicking with the last of my four lockpicks from the first quest, but i disagree this has to be hard to be more rewarding or something. Thats just stupid. And I don’t know what will I do when I run out of them later.

As for the saving… it’s one of the worst saving I ever saw. I still have some schnappses, but I dislike it right from the start. My first schnapps was spoiled when I travelled the countryside, was unknowingly transported by some videosequence to other place, where I somehow failed the quest, which I hasn’t even been given (‘get a horse’), my last save was more than two hours away. Two useless hours of playing the same places, trading the same commodities, meeting the same people… I saved. But I’ll probably still get back to find a horse somewhere. And if there is none… you know the story… What are yours, I wonder?

You know, the game/idea is 8 years old, i got some family and other things in the meantime. Most of the players did…