Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

So Daniel Vavra said on Twitter they are going to do something about Lockpicking and Saving the game


thank the gods

I think they will find a good solution everybody can live with
Its nice that they react so quickly, I hope it doesnt get too easy though :stuck_out_tongue:


So they Tweeted a fix is coming, I’d be curious how the fix will operate… This current lock pick task is not designed for controller at all. Would PS4/Xbox get a whole new lock pick minigame?

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BTW this game is made for controler but it doesnt mean i use it :smiley:

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Good on ‘em! :smiley:

I guess I’m the only one who likes the current system on console :frowning:


That’s awesome, they will go a long way as a company listening to their fans like this.


i hope they fix textures pop up issue too…its immersion breaking for me.


Just going to bump this since many havent seen it.

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Complaint after complaint of players who baught the game randomly without watching the several videos Warhorse has posted on YouTube that literally explain the mechanics of the game, waaaay before the initial release. They will finally change it :unamused: well…at least the save and quit will be a godsend.


Well… I do believe the save and quit is a good idea since many people might want to leave the game in order to do stuff they need and stuff. And well… while I first thought lockpicking was kinda impossible at first, I just got better at it. After you get to rattay mill and start training on the box behind the mill it gets a lot easier. And yes, I am playing on console. So yeah, idk… maybe it wasn’t that hard, just needed practice.


So is this going to be a regular thing? Making the game easier to please the vocal minority. All too often I see this happen with other games.


well, I’m not that familiar with warhorse, but companies tend to try and please costumers in order to sell better. And hey, it’s not even that big of a change (unless they make it stupidly easier, which I doubt). This specific case is understandable, mainly ‘save n quit’

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Perhaps, and if they do, then I hope it’s only to a certain extent.

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I could only imagine the outcry if the next dark souls game or whatever From Software makes next has save and quit.
I think this game needs to remove all hud elements, fast travel and the auto save feature.
Thats just my opinion on how to improve the game

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Even Dark Souls saves your progression on quit, common. At least let it have the choice to play it harder or not, for the like of both more casual game enthusiast with a life, and at the same time badass-hardcore-gamers-of-doom that rocks like you.


I get what you say. Can’t say I totally agree, but I do understand.

I think people do not want the game easier. That is not the case. They are complaining about things that ruin the game for them…


Oh for the love of god yes…