Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

Because typically when people get upset they’re still in the first few hours of the game before they have this opportunity.

It’s certainly intimidating to start and that is NOT a good way to introduce your game to people. I’m not saying to necessarily remove the whole thing but tweaking it would make it a whole lot easier not to just quit because of this.

One good way is tweak the schnapps. Make it a permanent feature in your inventory once you get it and JUST have the drunk effect(even boost it up a bit) be the only downside.

And no, saying “ha ha get gud nub” doesn’t sell this game to most gamers. You WANT this game to sell well. Warhorse is NOT bethesda and they NEED the repeat customers.

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thanks for crying loud enough…


Oh god no, please make it stop! Who wants challenges?!? I want to be Charlemagne or John Hunyadi right from the start!

A master bowman, knight, thief, swordsman!


Lockpicking becomes easy after ±5 unlocked locks. But the beginning is really… annoying. :slight_smile:

Hmmmm, as a long time Dark Souls fan and loved reversal rougue-lites I have to say the current system is not good at all, infact when you doing side quests its outright broken, see it save generously when you doing main quest but it ONLY saves at the start of a side quest not thugh any other points!

Right now, I am cursing and screaming at how I a now stuck in a door way at an inn by some evil bug and the last auto save of 20min ago EVEN THOUGH I RESTED AT THE BED AT THE MILL 5 MIN AGO! What the hell is going on?

As a reminder, even FTL was more generous with its saves than this…

I think that they should have a save feature that is activated in the settings because I like the current system and sometimes I just need to go and have no savior schnapps and I don’t have time to get to my bed.

thanks guys you destroyed the game within 3 days…
fine work…

Hey at what level can you start picking very hard locks? My lockpicking is at 12 and it won’t let me lockpick very hard. When I start it just throws me out.

Before the latest patch on PS4 with lockpicking at 12 i could pick even very hard locks that were labeled as “too difficult”. Seems that the patch adjusted something there, because now it’s almost impossible to pick locks that are “too difficult”. My lockpicking skill is on 13 now and some very hard locks i’m able to pick but some are “too difficult” and almost impossible. By the looks of it there’s a difference among the same difficulty of locks.

Manual saving will be nice and they can implement some sort of Debuff for too often saving/Loading

They already have manual saving, it’s called saviour schnapps

Always always always carry a saviour schnapps around, they’re not that costly. There are plenty of ways to earn groschen, so it shouldn’t be a problem

Dude, the game is not as difficult as you make it out to be. The prologue will stuff you full with autosaves and after that it should be extremely easy to always have money for saviour schnapps because of how many ways you can earn yourself some groschen.

Sure, but if it’s “extremely easy”, as you say, might as well provide normal saving and dispense with the time consuming rituals that replace normal saving.

1 Like useful mod :] i like experimenting so this mod is holy grail for me :smiley:

It will take you a couple minutes enough to get a saviour schnappps. Why are you so obsessed by making a game easier for yourself? Do you not want to overcome challenges? Do you want games to hold your hand throughout your entire playthrough?

I want to overcome challenges, not waste time with repeating the exact same rituals that involve no challenge at all. Schnapps is a way for players to feel better about themselves when saving. As if they deserved it. I understand it but have no such compunction.

Well after about 20hours of playing this game I can say that the saving system is nearly perfect. It is very fresh, original and because of that we have a tons of great playability. They announced the game will be realistic and this is one of the thing that add realism to the game… I am really sad that so many players complained about that so quickly and did not even get to the game properly. If you do not like it there are thousands of other games available guys. This game is very specific and realistic it is not for everyone. The saving system in this game is great idea and it should stay there. I personally would add save in any bed or quit/save thats it. I hope they not gonna ruin this game by making it easier like easy lockpicking or quick save and all other shi.t

Already using it. As are ten thousands other players. people are voting with their mods. :wink:

But I hope devs also implement it. Would save a lot of frustration for new players and buyers. On steam it’s clear the saving system is by far the most controversial topic.

Why should games pander to bad players?

It’s not difficult and it doesn’t even need to take up extra time. Are you doing a quest? Well kill some game, pick some plants or kill some bandits and you’ll have more than enough groschen to buy more saviour schnapps. It’s pure laziness to want a manual saving system that does exactly the same thing the saviour schnapps does.

This game has massive potential to be good and there are a lot of bugs to be fixed, but the biggest outrage from whiny players are about adding something that’ll only save you a bit of groschen which is ridiculous.