Changes to Saving + Lockpicking are coming

Omnimaniac your just trying to start problems. i have played almost every main stream game out on PS4 and PC and was only not able to beat like 2 games and i am having a huge problem with the lock picking on this. I have watch like 10 videos and wasted like 10 hours trying to get the hang of lock picking. If the creators deside not to change it a little they will lose lots of players. Just because you can do it doesn’t mean everyone else should F off because they cant.

10 hours? I sincerely hope you’re joking. Are you playing on console or pc? If it’s the latter I have no clue how it is, but on pc you get used to lockpicking. Sure it was difficult in the start, but then you get the hang of it and it becomes much easier as you’re leveling up your lockpicking. You should at least be able to lockpick very easy lockpics.

lockpicking isnt even hard

I think my game improved the lockpicking itself. :smiley: But I was able to open even “difficult” trunks.

I actually picked a ‘very easy’ lock. Hooray!

But it doesn’t do “exactly what the saviour chnapps does”. if it did, it would be saviour schnapps.

It is so common today for people to exaggerate wildly while communicating. It doesn’t help to resolve problems.

Players of games have this weird idea that “if you have the option to di it, you will do it”. Fast travel is a prime example. Some many people are adamant about how it’s a feature that does something bad. Well, it’s an option. It’s not mandatory. Simply don’t use the option. The Save issue with KC:D is exactly- and I do mean exactly- the same thing in practical terms:

If you don’t want a ‘easy save’, don’t save your game yourself via ‘free unlimited save’ or any other saving concept, and rely solely on savior schnapps and autosave. I won’t accept any argument that says you cannot do this.

This could be done by Warhorse via game mode, in-game option, or by players, using that vanishing character trait in real life: mild willpower.

My problem with the Saving system is that on my first play through, I can’t make a save and then just explore something for the hell of it without some risk to time invested. yes, the fame is touted as ‘realistic’. It is still a game and if I want to save just to see if I can do certain things- like spend the day following somebody to see if my actions affected them the way I thought they might- I can’t, without dedicating 1/3 of my saves. That is only an inconvenience, but since the saves ‘roll over’ I can’t go back ten saves, for instance if I want to start over at Rattay easily . I have a job, I have had serious medical issues due to stroke, and I have two elderly parents. Idle hours in my personal life are not as easy to find as they were in my 20s or 30s.

Here’s the thing though, there’s already a mod for saves, so why do you so desperately want to implement it into the actual game? That’s what really doesn’t make sense. If you want saves so badly then install the mod and stop whining about something that isn’t a problem.

You’re just making up poor excuses for wanting a save system implemented into the game despite there being a mod for this… Why do you even feel the need to mention having had a stroke or that you have elderly parents? It’s completely irrelevant and won’t affect how you can play the game. If you don’t know easy ways to get groschen for saviour schnapps or how to brew it then look it up and deal with it like a man


Desperately want? Whining? Poor excuses?

remember I posted something about exaggeration? If you can’t cast your mind back that far, I can. There’s no “desperation”, or “whining” or “poor excuses”. You’re just unable to entertain anyone’s viewpoint other than your own. It’s not kewl, but it is child-like. Talk to me again when you’re an adult.

Yes you greatly exaggerate regarding your reasons for not having enough time to properly play the game. “You’re just unable to entertain anyone’s viewpoint other than your own” Your side of the case are the ones clearly incapable of entertaining other view points because if you did there would be no problem to begin with.

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Report Bugs Here

I personally like the saving and lock picking system. Both make you really think about how you play the game. The main issues that need to be addressed are the bugs and the graphics. They could even make lock picking more difficult and limit the amount of schnapps you can buy at a time at vendors if they improved the graphics and fog.

Same here, my lockpicking is at 12-13 and I still get the “lock is too difficult” prompt when starting the minigame and if I try to pick the lock it instantly breaks on any very hard lock. There was one very hard door i was able to open in the Rattay Rathaus and the difficulty on that was no more than hard locks which at this point after leveling up some perks are actually quite easy i.e practice makes perfect (plus picks that are twice as durable). So I would like to at least attempt very hard locks.

I noticed that even a failed attempt at picking a lock that is “too difficult” didn’t always result in a broken pick. Not exactly sure if this is proper behaviour or a bug. My lockpicking skill is now at 15 and i haven’t encountered a lock since that is labeled as “too difficult”.

I was curious about that. If the locks labeled “difficulty” went down in accordance with your lockpicking skill level or you just reach a certain level of expertise and can then to go after very hard locks. So @milesprotector you’re saying you can now try any lock at lvl 15? did you also have the “too difficult” issue before that point?

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Before the patch 1.03 for PS4 it was even possible to pick locks that were too difficult, which i believe was adjusted with the patch, because afterwards it became really difficult to pick these locks and i got the prompt “failed attempt” with the immediate reset almost as soon as the pick left the sweetspot marked by the golden dot.
Now at level 15 i haven’t seen any very hard lock that is “too difficult”, although they still require a bit of skill to pick. I believe the almost instant “attempt failed” prompt is just a thing with locks that are “too difficult” and are only supposed to be opened with a certain level, so you can’t just get the best loot right from the beginning.

Gotcha, thanks

(on Xbox X) I can suddenly lock pick very easy, easy and even hard lock picks. I don’t think I “git gud” I think it was patched? I am only lock pick level 4 and can nearly get a very hard lock done, even though it says it’s too difficult.

All they are doing on the saving is giving a save on exit feature and it will delete the save once you continue the game from what I understand. I do not think that is anywhere near enough with the game being as buggy as it is, not to mention is sounds like a recipe for corrupted files. Personally I think they should just put an unlimited save option and an ironmode option so people who wants saves can have them and those who want the game as is, can have it too. As for the lockpicking, they just need to lower the starting difficulty a bit, it gets way easier after you level it up, but the starting level is way to high. Even if your willing to stick with it, lockpicks are too expensive and hard to come by to practice your thief skills.

There’s already a save mod and brewing saviour schnapps is really easy.

If you’re incapable of installing a mod or brewing saviour schnapps you should play another game or get better instead of trying to change this game for the easier just because you can’t handle it


I will never understand the mentality of people who get hostile for simply asking for OPTIONS.