Character Face Customization

I understand that for now we will be unable to customize Henry’s face. First off, I’m not very keen on the name either. I don’t think it’s so important that we shouldn’t be able to change his name, we are the ones who determine his fate and destiny after all. That was a tangent, so anyway, I think it will appeal to a much larger RPing audience, as well as regular gaming (?) audience if they make the character’s face customizable. It’s what makes this game from a 75% RPG to a 100% RPG. A major part of RPGs is the customization of your character. In a game like Assassin’s Creed, due to the direct family storyline and such, there wasn’t any room for customization. In Kingdom Come, however, there is a lot of room. We forge our character’s story, so why can’t we forge our character? Any thoughts or comments would be great, especially from anyone at Warhorse.


watch the videos on warhorse’s youtube channel. they answer all your questions. but if you lack the patience. the answer is no.

Not sure whether the name Henry is actually set in stone, but at this stage from everything we know the character most certainly will be.

This is a game where we role play as a specific character, in this case the son of a blacksmith who loses his family to civil war, and the events that follow.

I too really enjoy the character creation elements of RPG’s, and I’d love to create my own character here as well… But in respect to the team, they’ve decided to create a specific protagonist, one who we get to experience the events of the game through. And I think that’s what’s key; we’re not forging our own story or path, we’re merely a footnote to history. A pawn caught up in the in the middle of a struggle of kings…

And whilst I agree that the narrative most certainly lends itself to character customisation; I fully support the team in their endeavours and back their logic behind choosing a specific protagonist.


isn’t the name thing obvious? how are they going to voice act and realistically address the player? always refusing to use his name? then what’s the point of a custom name then?

the customization options in this game are things that matter, not something stupid like lip size, name, or things like that.


To be fair, I’ve yet to hear any voiced sequences where Henry has spoken his name or been called by that name… probably 0.4 release we’ll see that :smile:

The name could simply be a placeholder. But the longer it’s used, obviously the more set in stone it becomes.

But as you say; It doesn’t bother me either way. The guy is who he is… I’m good with that

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It seems to me that this game will be an RPG in the same sense that the Mass Effect games are an RPG. Yes, there are RPG elements, but the story is still based heavily on the protagonist being a specific person. Like in Mass Effect, I see us simply having control of the type of person that Henry is - is he stealthy or confrontational? Is he brutal or forgiving? But Henry will still be Henry, just as Commander Shepard is still Shepard, whether he’s paragon or renegade.


Man, thank you… it’s refreshing to hear a non Witcher / Skyrim related comparison.

*tips cap… I like it.
Good day Sir


Can you customize peoples faces on a movie? This is a specific story with a specific character. I’m not sure if the real king looked liked this character model or not, but if Henry does look like that king they’re going off the story of then you can’t change history. Sorry.

Well, I am easy to speak here since I’ll have no access to the game until the beta, and take note that I have no idea about game development, but my guess is that screwing around with voice acting so far that there isn’t even a quest that is sure to make it’s way into the final game - is a waste of resources.
When everything is done, the lines are set, the characters are fully drawn, the quests are finalized, then it is time to give every stuff to the actors, I imagine.
We could go with placeholders, but again, why waste resource, and why put it in the game when 1.) it won’t be the final product and 2.) people who know that this is alpha do not care about the missing audio; and people who do not know that will rant about the quality of the voice acting just the same as they would with the lack of the voice acting. :slight_smile:
Of course, if they have some kind of contracts that builds a bridge over that problem, then naturally I’d love to see/hear some good ol’ acting even with quests that will be scrapped later.

Apart from that (so, not to in response to you, good Earl :smiley: ), while I still tirelessly try to sympathize with people who need face / name customization, the more I start to wonder, how do they for example, read a book without crossing out and overwriting the names in it?
“Here came Martha, with long, blond hair…”
“Nope, she’s “Alice” and she looks just like me!”
"…and she just got a bullet in her head."
“Oh. Well, on a second thought, she was Martha.”


This made me laugh. A lot.

So much that I forgot what I was going to say…


Well said about characters in a book mate, I think you’re spot on :smile:

My reference above to a placeholder was simply pointing out that, at this early stage in the games development life cycle; things like names, faces, and potentially other artefacts are liable to change between now and the final product. As will the scripting and accompanying voice acting that we’ve been exposed to… We’re a long way off from final release, let alone beta.

So we are in agreement

Because they are using Facial Mocap. And our technology isn’t at point, where we can’t capture a custom’s persons face. So it still looks naturaly, or just not weird. You will be able to change hair, beard tho.

Thing is, this isn’t a book, and the backstory could be anyone’s-which makes this game a great candidate for individual character customization. I mean, the blacksmith’s son whose parents died? Sounds familiar and echoes a lot of RPG themes. I just think we should be able to customize the character, as we are not playing Assassin’s Creed, and KCD has a very left-to-the-imagination backstory which many players will view as the perfect opportunity to customize and really feel the character.

You mention AC… so why is it then, do you think, that Ubisoft use a predefined / predetermined protagonist in each of their respective games? …I mean, they don’t allow character creation or customisations outside of clothing and weapon load-out, so why is that?

Now whatever answers you come up with, simply apply those to this scenario with KCD…

Don’t get me wrong, I completely agree that the game narrative and style lends itself to character creation. However, I also have no issues with the studio focusing their story around a predetermined and defined protagonist. It all comes down to their vision for the game, and clearly to date that’s included a set main character.

Lets’ not got to far. His name and face are set, but his personality is pretty much neutral. You still decide how he goes about doing pretty much everything. Need to find a courier and get his letter? Buy it/Steal it/Kill him for it.

There is plenty of room for customization of his personality. That being said, I don’t see a reason not to be able to customize his face. Was it face capture for voice acting? The thing is, I think most of us will be in first person constantly (assuming third person is going to be a thing), I can’t see what would be lost by customizing his face. (not his name)

seriously? there are dialog scenes, there are cut scenes.

scanned faces are the pinnacle of quality. why settle for less?

I understand that. My point is that I won’t be looking at his face, so I don’t see much of an issue. To be fair though, I do like the default face, why not give people the option to ruin it, if they choose?

All I want is the ability to alter your facial hair, and hair style.

because you will not be looking at something does not mean it can be poor quality. take that logic and apply to someone who will not be looking at scabbards. is that alight argument for not including scabbard?

it’s a q/a issue, and a technical issue, and they probably don’t want to waste time on something that will just end up looking like this:

I have to repeat myself then: Why not give people THE OPTION to alter it, if they want to? Do you have a reason?

yes, the reason being this is not some silly bioware game, there is a aesthetic and design choice for this type of presentation. also time and cost must be justified.

it’s much smarter to allow modding and let people ruin the game on their own time.